Chapter 21

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Somewhere India a man was sitting on couch crossing his legs... he was smoking when his phone rang.... threw cigarette in plate which he kept on table...

He kept his hand in his pocket and answered the call..

Man : how did it go?

Caller : sir we got it.. she is with us...

Man smirked widely...

Man : keep her there.. i am coming in hour.. and make sure she doesn't escape...

Caller: sir she won't... security is tight here...

Man : don't flutter your security... as I have seen it last time.... now end the call and watch her...

Caller : okay sir!

The man ended the call and smirked....

Man : let's see how will you destroy me ACP avni Metha....

His smirked become bigger as he said Avni's name....

While in khanna house as Meher left Neil's room Neil was lost in this thoughts.... his thoughts were stopped by his phone.... he took his phone out and saw the caller id... he immediately picked his phone up...

Neil : yes... ACP Neil khanna speaking..... no... sure thank you! Bye...

Neil left his phone back his pocket and stood up... he went to his window side and looked at the sky.... his hands resting on his thighs....

Neil : no one can harm you Avni... I am going to you.... my love will keep you safe... I don't know what you feel about me but I know as long as my love is there for you.. it will be enough for me.... I don't you want to you to accept my love because I want to but I want to you to love me from bottom of your heart like me....

He stared the sky and closed his eye to remember her face, her smile, her lips moving while she talks... a bright smiled appeared on his face remembering avni....

He turned to his door as he heard his name.. he looked at door and saw Bebe coming with door in tray... Neil walked to her and helped her carrying the tray...

Neil : Bebe why you brought food here? I would have came down... you should just shouted my name...

Bebe: it's okay tillu... I thought to feed my tillu with my hands...

Neil smiled hearing her but was that real smile of his... Neil kept the food tray on table and stood back facing to Bebe... Bebe knew something was wrong... she went to Neil and his hand...

Neil turned and looked at Bebe...

Neil : Bebe!

Bebe kept quiet and dragged Neil to bed... she looked at him and gestured him to sit... Neil nods and sat down.... Bebe then sat opposite him still holding his hand....

Bebe : what happened? Did anything happened in police station.... work pressure! Hmm!

Neil : i am confuse... Bebe!

Bebe : why confuse? Are you confuse if Avni rejects you or doesn't love you...

Neil : no i am not confuse about Avni's love... if my love for her is true and she is the girl for me then she will be mine only... Bebe you only said true lovers never dies or separates... if me and avni is true lovers then no one can separate us...

Bebe : then why you confuse?

Neil : I am confuse about Avni!

Bebe : avni? You just said it nothing about Avni then!

Neil : Bebe she left Mumbai without telling me or anyone where she is going.... Bebe I have strange feeling something bad will Happen.... I feel my avni is some danger.... I don't know how should I protect her... Bebe she didn't even any evidence of her... phone Is switched off... she left Mumbai saying she went out for work... what works she could have.... I work with her... she left on mission without me.... I don't know why but I feel she is up to something which will risk her life...

As he said about risking her life... a tear escaped from his eyes... Bebe smiled brightly seeing his love for avni... she wiped his tears... and cupped his face...

Bebe : don't be weak tillu... its time to prove yourself as lover... if Avni's life in danger then it's your right to save her.... Do you know anything about this case...

Neil : I know Bebe... he is man who sells girls for his own benefits... he sells drugs... I have heard someone is trying to come between him and his work..... that person is destroying him being success in his work.... Bebe you know I have feeling that person is avni... there was no news about this but soon as avni left there is many things happening with his business... today commissioner sir told me how last Friday his whole workhouse was burnt in goa... I am proud of avni but she is risking her life Bebe.... he won't leave her Bebe.... I am scared Bebe to lose her Bebe...

Bebe : why you scared? You shouldn't be scared for avni... Instead of being scared you should be proud and courage her.... Neil you both are police officers... do you remember telling me your works before family... same with Avni.... her work is more important and valued than her family.... Neil remember one thing... you both will face many problems together or in phase of your relationship but it's your choice to stand for each other and work together to defeat everyone... you need to make Avni as your strength not your weakness.... you be her strength.... you can't be her weakness.... you need to show yourself strong and brave... god has decided for your future Neil... before you both in relationship... god will test your love for her and her love for you but you both need to stay strong and face your problems.... hmm! Now stop thinking about the case... if avni is then girl who is destroying his business then pray to god she becomes successful and comes back to soon and safely home...

Neil nods listening to Bebe... Bebe smiled and moved her hands off from his cheeks and stoop up... she went to table and brought food tray...

She sat back on bed opposite Neil... she broke first bite and forward to Neil...

Bebe : eat.

Neil : Bebe..... I'm not hungry...

Bebe : I know you are not hungry but have some bites so you can have your medicine....

Neil nods... Bebe feds him... Neil hardly took few bites and stopped Bebe... Bebe nods and give him glass of water... Neil took few sips and looks at Bebe for medicine...

She then gave Neil his medicine... Neil gulped has tablets and kept the glass in tray...

Bebe : sleep now... Let your mind rest... leave all your tension and sleep... tomorrow morning peaceful decided what you want to do... hmm! Goodnight...

Neil : goodnight...

Bebe left the room taking the tray while Neil waited for Bebe to leave... as Bebe left Neil stood up and went to his cupboard.... he took the things out and came back to bed...

He kept the things on bed and moved to close his door... he locked his door from inside and came back to bed... he sat on bed crossing his legs and resting his finger on his chin... he scattered the things on bed and looked very closely...

Here is the update!

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Missing avni or not?

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Is avni kidnapped?

How will avni save herself if she is kidnapped?

Will Neil get to know about avni being kidnapped?

What is Neil up to?

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