step 1- seungay

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How To Get A Boyfriend 101

Everything you need to know about
seducing guys in 101 easy steps that
may or may not repeat at some point.


I scan the front of the book, wondering if it can really end my 19-year streak of being single. Could I actually get a boyfriend with this? It doesn't seem likely, considering the cover has a girl's face on it, and the book seems generally marketed to straight people.

I doubt that I'll find any better books for me, however—a young, gay boy emerging into society—so I decide to take it.

The cashier gives me a weird look when I present the How To book to him.

"Is this for you?" He asks judgmentally.

I raise an eyebrow. "No, it's for my three-year-old sister." He looks up, confused. Good. Let him try to figure out that sarcasm.

"Uh, tell her I say happy birthday," he smiles fakely as he hands the book back to me.

I, being the smart-ass that I am, reply with: "I sure will."

Super clever, I know right?

I'm a genius.

Ha, fooled you. I'm just an average meme-loving, australian-korean guy... one who is gay and desperate for love and attention.

But hey, aren't we all?

I eagerly open the book to the first chapter as I'm sitting in the subway, waiting for it to start moving. Just as I'm about to read the first line—the first step, I should say—my crush gets onto the subway.

Just my luck.

Inside, I imagine a scenario where I throw the book at Seo Changbin, yelling, "This is supposed to help me get you to be my boyfriend!" Then, by some miracle, he's also gay, and he's like, "Wow, thanks! Forget the 101 steps—let's skip all those and go straight to being boyfriends!"

And we all live happily ever after.

Ha, fooled you again. Changbin is, like, probably the straightest person out there. I bet he doesn't even know I exist, much less that I've had this irritating crush on him for the last six or seven years.

He sits down across from me, and the subway grunts as it drags itself into motion (me too, subway). I have about an hour until it reaches my stop; maybe, I should have taken the express. Oh, well, too late now.

Changbin pulls out his phone (of which I know the password)and probably scrolls through Instagram, since I see his thumb doing the classic teenager swipe.

Just to be sneaky, I put the book aside and pull out my own phone, then unlike and relike his newest post. Unfortunately, three seconds after re-liking it, I realize that it's from last month, and it's probably going to scare him off.

I have great luck.

I sigh and put my phone back in my jacket pocket while shivering. January isn't the kindest month in Seoul, not at all.

I open the book back up and find step one.

Step One: Make sure to like all of his social media posts! A guy's ego is one way to his heart, and if he notices that you seem to be keeping up with his life, he'll want to start keeping up with yours.

Huh. That's cool... looks like I've already done step one.

100 more to go, and then hopefully Changbin will be my boyfriend.

Oh, who am I kidding?


the crowd watches, hushed, as the camera zooms in on me, a single female teenager who has never been in a relationship who is also writing a book about how to get a boyfriend.

enjoy :D

love you guys <3 and thank you for clicking on my storyjfeiwofje

i actually did get a boyfriend around the time i published chapter 22, but we're back to being friends now nsjjcjsjc
also it was a covid relationship so i never actually got to even hug him

edit 2–
yea the characters are in 'college' but bear with me dude i wrote this in middle school and had no idea what was realistic and what was not, so we get some funky plot lines going on bc of that


How To Get A Boyfriend 101 ~ Changlix

started: Oct. 22, 2019

ended: June 28, 2020


- chapters range between 750 and 4500 words
- slow moving, but there are no fillers (every chapter contributes to the plot is what i mean)
- one obvious side ship ;)
- one hidden side ship :3
- q&a in the middle, and the answers chapter is definitely worth reading according to y'all commenters
- lots of love for the readers in every place i could mention it ^-^

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