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"The Start of the Secrets"

"The Start of the Secrets"

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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

     Ever since young Elizabeth 'Lizzie' was a child she's been practicing ballet. She came from a relatively rich French family who thought it was important for her to be a skilled Ballerina. Born in 1923, she was only seventeen when the Nazi's invaded France.

     Against her parents wishes she ran and helped fight the invasion. Her parents completely forgot about her after that, she was such a disappointment to them. They died in the Blitz a few months after moving away from France to live in England.

     She showed unique talent in fighting the Nazi's, so much so that the misogynistic commander's admitted to needing her help.

     During the last push to invade France Lizzie found herself, and the rest of the army to weak to fight off the Nazi's. As she was close to death she was saved when time seemed to stop around her. A woman who seemed to be in her forty's was standing in front of her unscathed.

     She introduced herself as the Handler and told her about the Commission. Lizzie took the job, it was something she was up for, and it seemed like a once in a life time opportunity. Something she couldn't say no to.

     She served at the commission for four years leaving at age 21. While she worked there her faith in the commission deteriorated with each kill she made. When a man in his fifties asked for her help to end the so-called apocalypse she was in a similar situation she couldn't say no to. But this time she was doing something good, instead of agreeing to end lives she was agreeing to help save them.

     The man told her everything she needed to know, his family and how his father was going to have a funeral and how she needed to befriend any of his siblings so she could be there to help stop the Apocalypse.

     When someone retires from the commission they are allowed to retire to any time period of their choice.

     Lizzie picked 2011.

     For weeks Lizzie did research on all The Umbrella Academy members. She found out that there were only five left. Lizzie took notes on who would be the best to befriend. She took Klaus off the list because his attention span wouldn't last long enough for them to friend for longer then an hour. Luther never left the Academy, and Diego was to much of a reclusive asshole for Lizzie's taste. And as for Allison, it would be hard to remain friends with someone with that high of a social status.

     Lizzie decided that Vanya Hargreeves was the best out of the five to be friends with. After weeks of close study she found out that Vanya's  orchestra is frequently hired by the local ballet group.

     Lizzie auditioned for the ballet group and was hired as one of their full time principal dancers. Her skill was so focused, she learned from the best during her childhood.

     After one of Don Quixote performances Lizzie was hanging around in the theater with everyone who worked on the show when fate sent Vanya her way.

     "You did an amazing job." Vanya said with a shy smile, it was clear to Lizzie that making friends wasn't Vanya's forte. From the moment Lizzie set eyes on her she knew she was screwed. Lizzie felt butterflies in her stomach when Vanya smiled at her for the first time.

     "Thank you," She smiled trying to hide the blush on her cheeks. "You were amazing at the violin by the way."

     "Oh well it's probably not as good as anyone else's playing it was probably to drowned out." Vanya said trying to deflect the compliment.

     "Yet your playing stood out to me against the others." She said with a big smile on her face, she hadn't been this happy since she was a child.

     The two became fast friends and over the years and Lizzie's liking towards Vanya turned into love. But Lizzie could never tell Vanya, because if it ruined their friendship it ruined her mission. Sometimes her nights would be spent crying, playing the waiting game was taking a toll on her. She tried to push through but the walls kept getting thicker and tougher to demolish.

     On the night Reginald Hargreeves' death was announced Lizzie was at Vanya's apartment. They were meant to watch movies and chat.

     When Vanya got in Lizzie could tell she was distraught. Lizzie ran and immediately engulfed her friend in a hug. Vanya cried into Lizzie's shoulder as the cold air from the hallway blew onto the back of her neck sending the hairs flying out.

     After a bit of silence Vanya asked Lizzie to come with her to her fathers funeral. Her siblings, mainly 1-3 were going to be pissed she brought someone with her on top of the book she wrote, but Vanya needed comfort and the only comfort in her life was Lizzie.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

I love this story so much already I physically cannot function it is beautiful, and my child.

I love this story so much already I physically cannot function it is beautiful, and my child

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ballet dancer 〈VIKTOR HARGREEVES〉Where stories live. Discover now