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"What is Love?"


"Baby don't hurt me"

"Baby don't hurt me"

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Lizzie sat on the bar at the Hargreeves house with a drink in her hand. She was confused as to why she was there and Vanya wasn't. Five wasn't there either, obviously so it couldn't have been in him who asked Luther to have her there.

The only conclusion Lizzie could come to was that Luther knew she was an ex-temporal assassin. Which didn't bother her as much as it should have. Was she warming up to the big oaf? Not a chance, however she no longer cared if people knew the truth about her.

After all, Lizzie was not a hard-ass. As she took one last gulp of her glass she sighed and reached for the bottle opener in her pocket. Are you an alcoholic if you keep a bottle opener on you at all times? Probably. But Lizzie hadn't been drinking THAT much, which may be a stretch of the truth.

Instead of grabbing the bottle opener her hand grasped onto the weird ear-piece she was given. Against her better judgement she put in on. A high pitched noise echoed through her ear canal for a few moments but then it stopped. She returned to the task at hand opening a new bottle of scotch and pouring its contents into her glass.

"Three days?" Questioned Allison as she handed a coffee to Luther.

He grabbed the cup in his hands and spoke up, "That's what Five said."

Allison offered Lizzie a coffee but declined by simply continuing to drink her scotch and lightly shake her head no. "The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it. He just left out the part about how soon."

"But can we trust him?" Allison asked, and Lizzie slightly shook her head no. "I don't know if you've noticed, but Five's a little..." Motioning her hands and whistling to show he was crazy.

Klaus laughed endearingly, "Our little psycho."

Luther tried to redirect the conversation a bit, "He was pretty convincing. If he wasn't trying to stop the Apocalypse, those two lunatics wouldn't be chasing him."

"That's why they were after him?"

"Yeah." Luther answered.

Butting in a little behind the conversation Lizzie started, "Technically they are doing their job which doesn't exactly make them as crazy as Five. Although they are willing to commit murder too so..." She corrected and to finish took a long sip of the rest of her scotch. "Damn." She whispered softly.

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