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"Mamma Mia..."


"Here I go Again"


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     Lizzie hurried back to the Hargreeves house, she was so distracted with her thoughts that she ran into Vanya's boyfriend. He had a frazzled look on his face that disappeared quickly.

     "Excuse me." He said quickly as he pushed down the street. Lizzie looked at him and remembered everything that happened. It felt like it happened yesterday but it didn't. The woman found it odd as she continued on her way to the house.

     She stepped through the doors only to be met with Five and Diego leaving the house. Allison was following far behind, as she stayed behind in the sitting room for a few extra moments.

     "Where were you?" Five asked with snark.

     Lizzie a little nervous by being confronted by a '13 year old', a smidge confused and still upset from crying stuttered out, "I-I-"

     "You know what I don't care, come with me." Five said pushing through to walk in front of her to the car. Lizzie followed slowly and alone so she could digest everything that had just happened.

     Her conversation with Vanya seemed to be both hours ago and five minutes ago at the same time. After all she was still upset about it, but she also had a feeling of relief. Her eyes were raw and dry, as she then remembered the call she had with Vanya.

     "Sorry, I have to be somewhere." She said as Five gave her a strange look, "It's important okay."

     "Fine." Five droned on.

     Lizzie hailed a cab giving the driver the address Vanya must have gave her at some point. The driver got lost along the way making a few wrong turns which made her antsy. When she got to Leonard's house she picked the lock on the back door and shimmied her way inside.

      Whispering echoed through the house from the attic as she skimmed her eyes through the house. She looked under the bed of the master bedroom but found nothing of importance. As she stood up a loud thump came from the attic. 

     She ran up to the ladder and pulled herself up to the attic, disregarding her questions of 'What are you doing here?' as she connected the dots that Leonard must have been evil or something. All over the attic was Umbrella Academy memorabilia with the faces crossed out in anyway possible. Lizzie would have been afraid if she was any of them, but lucky for her she wasn't. 

ballet dancer 〈VIKTOR HARGREEVES〉Where stories live. Discover now