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"Journey to the Past"




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    Lizzie was growing more stressed as the days passed. Germany had taken Poland and Czechoslovakia, Britain and France had already declared war. Being born roughly five years after The Great War (WW1) Lizzie never imagined there would be another war, but there was. Something deep inside of her was telling her to go fight, probably her moral compass, though others would say that it was 'her destiny calling to her'. Once she had come to the decision her parents were less then thrilled/

"You've been training you're whole life to be dancer, you can't quit now!"  Her father raised his voice in anger at her.

Lizzie sighed, "I'm not quitting dad, I'm just taking a break so I can fight in the war." She held strongly to her point as she spoke, nothing would diverge her from the fight, even her parents.

Her mother was an easily ticked off woman, so it came to no surprise that she was against her fighting. But her why was worse the her father's. "You can't join the fight you're just a girl. You're meant to serve your husband, be a good wife."

"What, you actually think I want that? Look at me, what makes you think that's something I  would want?"  Her mom's capacity for absolute bull crap was outrageous, a woman could take out a Nazi just as good as a man could. But not any man or woman you would pick up off the street. Only ones who were trained could do that.

So off she went in the middle of the night to the training camp, leaving a note for her parents that had two simple words on it...


They were eager for soldiers to fight so her training was quick, she was the only woman they allowed in her regiment because of the skill she showed on her first day at training camp. They originally let her in to humor her into believing she could do it. But she quickly proved them wrong, hitting her marks every-time.

She soon was one of the best and taken to the front lines. She fought alongside many soldiers, her first fight was rough leaving her with a bullet wound in her left thigh, five inches above her knee cap.

It was dangerous and she enjoyed it, after all, what was life without a little danger?

ballet dancer 〈VIKTOR HARGREEVES〉Where stories live. Discover now