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"This is it..."


"The end?"


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They had arrived at the theater where Vanya's performance was being held, it had already started when they got there. Lizzie's gun was swinging back and forth across her back as she ran up the stairs.

All of them ran towards the doors to the seats when Allison stopped them, holding up her notepad, 'I NEED TO GO ALONE' it read. Luther shook his head, "Allison, I can't let you do that. She's beyond reasoning."

Diego turned around in anger, "You hear the music? It's started."

"We don't have time for your stupid argument guy's." Lizzie said from beside Klaus who nodded in agreement.

"Do you honestly think she's going to listen? After everything that's happened?" Luther asked Allison. Klaus then reiterated Lizzie's statement. "Okay." Luther said softly to Allison who nodded in thanks.

The four remaining members of the group watched Allison walk away. "You're using her as a distraction aren't you?" Diego asked after Allison was out of earshot.

Luther answered, "It'll be our best chance to incapacitate Vanya." Lizzie turned to Luther wide eyed in anger but repressed it.

After Diego and Luther forced Klaus stay behind as the lookout Lizzie decided to give her input on what they could do.

"I know this building like the back of my hand, I know how to get you guys to the wings and then I'll go to the pit." She explained as she made her way to a door she always used when she was in the theater.

Lizzie sat in the pit listening to the music of Vanya's violin dance around the room, and she too wanted to be the music. Fast, yet calming; smooth, yet sharp. She eyed the wings to her best ability seeing Diego and Luther charge towards Vanya.

Reluctantly she too got out of her hiding place, almost immediately hit by Vanya's powers. While flying backwards she tried to reposition her gun so she wouldn't land on it and hurt her back.

Once she landed (surprisingly on her feet), she sat behind some seats and tried to formulate a new plan in her head. For reassurance in case those shooters returned again she counted how many rounds she had left. Surprisingly it wasn't that low, but it wasn't nearly enough for her to take them out.

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