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"Five's moment in the sun"

"Five's moment in the sun"

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     Today's the day Elizabeth Hutchinson is supposed to die. When she woke up in the morning she didn't know that would happen. But every morning after she wished she would have died that day.

     She was called to fight that day along with everyone else. They were loosing the battle, they were under prepared and were dying. A loud noise echoed into her ears as the Nazi's were shooting towards her.

     As she embraced death everything froze around her. Slowly she blinked her eyes open and noticed a woman standing across the way. Lizzie lifted her gun at the women and placed her finger on the trigger and pushed it back, nothing happened as the gun was out of ammunition. She threw the gun off her back and carefully examined the woman.

     "Miss Hutchinson?" The woman asked Lizzie but the woman clearly knew who she was.

      She hesitated for a moment pushing back her bubbling fear with faux confidence, "What do you want?"

     "I have a job for you, and I think you'll want to take it."

     Lizzie woke up early that morning and tried to find her way to the academy. But is it really waking up if you barely slept? She got side tracked many times, after stopping at a hot dog stand 3 times she found herself infront of a veterans bar.

     She was jut about to call a Taxi when a very familiar stabby individual caught her eye. He was sitting in his car looking at the door in contemplation.

     The woman walked over to the passenger window and knocked three times. "What are you doing here?" She asked with an overtone of laughter.

     Diego never answered, but he swung the door open and marched inside the building. Lizzie had no idea why he was going in but she followed him in.

     Across the room by an over filled board and a pool table she spotted Klaus, who looked to be in pain. Not a normal stabbed in the lungs coughing up blood pain, but a heart wrenching loss, something or someone gone that will never come back.

     She followed Diego as they walked over to Klaus, passing a few men that left lingering stares at the young group. When they reached Klaus, Diego placed his hand on Klaus' shoulder, almost comfortingly.

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