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"Fight! Fight! Fight!"


"Truth Hurts"


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After a chaotic journey, Lizzie made it to the Hargreeves house along with Klaus and Luther. Since it was technically a family discussion Lizzie sat on the couch with a book, pretending to not pay attention to their conversation.

She found it horrible that they were even discussing killing their mother. Luther and Allison were treating her like she was a more articulated Roomba. Lizzie would have given anything for a mother as caring as Grace.

Vanya and Diego moving to the other side of the room caught her attention, so she slowly got up to follow Vanya.

"I feel bad, is there something I can to help?" Lizzie asked.

Vanya sucked in a breath, "No, it's okay, thank you for caring though. It means alot to have a friend like you."

"I'll always be there when you need me." Lizzie said softly. They both smiled at each other and walked towards the kitchen.

Lizzie and Vanya had been talking all day, though Lizzie left to stroll around the house for a bit.

She wandered the halls and came across a rather large bedroom, it was larger then the children's rooms that were described to her, so she could only assume it was Mr. Hargreeves'. She stepped in and immediately felt unwelcome, not that there was anyone unwelcoming to her in it, just the room felt like it didn't want her in it.

As she walked across the room she mentally took note of every detail. On the bookshelf she saw a book, when she opened it she saw that it was a copy of another book, or at least that's what it said.

The book was filled with information on all the kids and their powers. As she flipped through the book she stopped at the page marked 'Number 7'. Her eyes glanced down at the first word, but before she could read it loud gunshots echoed through the house.

She pulled the compact-able baton out of the sewn in pockets in her pant leg and extended them out, for a fight.

With no sense of direction she sprinted through the house and ran into the sitting room where the two masked figures were shooting at Diego.

Her plan came into her head so quick you wouldn't have time to take a breath between when she thought it to when she executed it. Her metal baton slammed with a hard force into one of the masked assailants, causing them both to look at her.

ballet dancer 〈VIKTOR HARGREEVES〉Where stories live. Discover now