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"Final Battle"


"hanging out with my crushes girlfriend is surprisingly fun except we're all gonna die"

"hanging out with my crushes girlfriend is surprisingly fun except we're all gonna die"

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Although Lizzie was only half attentive she joined the remaining members of the Umbrella Academy in Vanya's car.

She sat in the trunk leaning against the back of the seats holding a bag of ice to her head. Luther climbed in the back after her, the shift in the car made her fall over. "OW" She glared at him.

"Sorry." He muttered. "Anyone makes a fat joke and I'm outta here."

"I kinda want to make a fat joke just so I can lay down." Lizzie joked to him with a smile.

The car turned into Sissy's farm. There was a storm cloud over the land, letting snow down to the surrounding ground. Lizzie was feeling a bit better, she had fallen asleep on the trip and now she only had a painful headache.

She reluctantly moved from her spot in the car. Although when she got out a Woman, presumably Sissy was holding a gun at them.

"...Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll, same way you sent those policemen flyin'." The woman was still pointing her gun at them, "What did you do to him?" Vanya was trying to calm her down but she continued, "What the hell did you do to my son?"

The electricity from the shack was getting stronger, almost bursting. "We don't have time for this." Diego said moving towards the barn.

"Where you think you're going Mister?" Sissy seethed.

"To help your son."

"Look, Sissy, I found my family. These are my brothers and my sister." She yelled pointing to the group.

Lizzie could tell that Sissy was gonna ask who she was and without thinking she said, "And me! A tagalong!"

She brought the gun down, "Ma'am." Luther said awkwardly. Lizzie rolled her eyes and moved to sit on the back of the van.

She zoned out as she coddled her headache, she noticed the group going in the barn. "Oh we're going in?" She mumbled to herself.

The car bounced up when she jumped off the trunk, more like fell off but she wasn't going to tell anyone that. As she walked closer and closer to the singularity her headache hurt worse. "Oh crap!" She yelled when a sharp pain pulsed in her head. An idea popped in her head when she saw the yellow house.

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