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"Let it snow"


"Lizzie regrets her decisions in life"

"Lizzie regrets her decisions in life"

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     When Lizzie woke up she immediately went over to Vanya's house, it was a routine for her. Every morning at around eight o'clock she would knock lightly on the door. The way Vanya's smile was brightened every time she came by (like she was expecting her to never come back) warmed her heart.

     When she got to Vanya's building she was already down stairs leaving for the day.

     "Hey V, where you headed?"

     Vanya took in Lizzie's appearance, she noticed that she was very tired and anxious. She paused for a moment forgetting that Lizzie asked a question, "I'm looking for Five he must have left last night."

     "I can help you look for him if you'd like." Lizzie offered, Vanya nodded and then they were off to the Hargreeves manor.

     She followed Vanya up the stairs to Five's room, Vanya sighed in relief that Five was there, "Oh, thank god." Lizzie stood in the doorway watching Vanya walk closer to Five who was staring out the window. "I was worried sick about you."

     Five turned to face Vanya, "Sorry I left with out saying goodbye." He said it with a hint of coldness but you could tell he was being genuine.

     "I'll give you two a moment." Lizzie said as she walked out of the room, as she turned she could hear the low breathing of someone in the wardrobe. She thought that Five had some sort of plan so she pretended to be on a phone call in the hallway.

     A few minutes later Vanya came out of Five's room to see Lizzie in the hallway. She took the phone from her face for a second and whispered, "I have to go in to work, I'll see you later." Vanya nodded and walked away down the hall.

     Not a second later Lizzie heard items clattering out of the wardrobe, as Klaus came out of it. "That's so... touching, all that stuff about family and Dad and time. Wow!"

     "Would you shut up? She'll hear you." Five said to Klaus who was walking across the room.

     "I'm moist."

     Lizzie walked in at those words and immediately had puzzled face on. "Well... I picked the weirdest time to walk through the door."

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