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"Finding Five"




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Her eyes fluttered open quickly as she felt shivers run down her body. She sat up fast, her back ached in pain from sleeping on the couch. Her mouth opened slightly, letting out a yawn.

Lizzie got up from the couch and went straight to the bar to pour herself some Whisky. She downed it like it was nothing and poured another. She gave up on pouring more glasses and downed the whole bottle, leaving a burning feeling in her throat.

The kitchen seemed so far away as she wobbled her way to it, she realized there probably wasn't Coffee because no one ever bought anything apparently so she was stuck drinking caffeinated tea.

It didn't do much to help with her being drunk but she was satisfied enough to walk back to the sitting room. As she reached foyer she saw Luther and Diego walking in the same direction but a large distance between them.

Her footsteps were unusually loud even though she was trying to silence them, curse her stupid feet, stepping all over her dreams of spending the day wallowing in her on self pity.

Somehow she was dragged along to find Five with them, it's not like she wanted to stay at the Hargreeves house, but it was preferable to leaving because at least there was alcohol at the house.

They were walking down the street looking for clues to where Five could be, "This is it. He's still here. This is Five's van." Luther said as he ran over to the side of the van

"Well technically he sto- nevermind." Lizzie started but realized Luther would 'Luther out' if crimes were committed.

Luther tried to pick the lock and open the door to no avail. Diego looked at him at him and sighed and rather quickly opened the door. They both tried to stuff themselves through the van door, Lizzie looked on to them with her arms crossed in disappointment. They tried again and Lizzie rolled her eyes.

"I'm One." Luther condescendingly told Diego. Lizzie followed Diego through the sliding door as Luther struggled getting in the car. To be honest Lizzie had no idea what she was doing there she was practically useless in her mostly drunk state. She sat in the back pretending to look through things, making a small 'hmm' once or twice.

Her 'search' was over when Diego made a small whistle as he showed Vanya's book that was covered in blue inked equations. "I know where to find Five." He said, Lizzie squinted and saw the stamp for the public library.

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