12. Chapter: New Awareness

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Barry's pov

It was 11.00 p.m. we had been here for three hours now. But had only worked for like one hour. We had talked a lot, had fun and had laughed together.

I felt great! Right now, we were exceptionally working.
Or to be precise, Caitlin was working and I was looking at her. She ran some tests with the serum, at a machine, wich name I couldn't perceive. I had never consciously noticed, how beautiful she was. Her hair fell in natural way, and the jeans she wore, suited her legs perfect.
And her smile...there was something in her eyes... I coudn't tell but it was special. She was impressiv in every way.
I remembered the hug, she gave me when I came. How it felt to touch her back, to smell her hair...oh my god I really really liked...

,,Barry? What are you smiling about? the results are negativ, we have to change it" Caitlin woke me from my dreams.

,,Oh nothing...I just was in thoughts. And actually, there are worse things, than that we have to refactore the serum" I smirked.

,,Yeah you are right" Caitlin smirked back. ,,Than set your ass on this chair here an help me Mr. Allen"

I laughed
,,relax, I'm coming."

We worked in silence, because we had to concentrate. I was working on the computer for the serum and Caitlin at the table did some paper work. Than I saw what the problem ,,Hey, I found the mistake" I said. ,,We need more water and you have to change the value from the high concentrate DNS part"

No answer. ,,Caitlin?" I turned back and saw Caitlin sleeping with her head at the table. I smiled didn't see that coming. ,,You are right, that has time until tomorrow, I will bring you home" I wisphered.
Than I cleaned up the lab, put Caitlin in my arms and ran her home. I was careful, so she would not wake up. And she didn't.
I put her in her bed, dressed like she was and covered her with her blanket. Than I sat next to her and starred at her, she was breathing calmly. I put her hair out of her face and gave her a kiss on her cheeks ,,Good night Cait" I wisphered. And while I left the room, and closed the door, I already knew I had fallen in love with her.

I am so sorry for not updating.
It's just I didn't fell like writing. Half because of personal issues, half because I didn't feel the snowbarry vibe for a while. I still believe Caitlin would have been the better choice for Barry and that's because of their story and their chemistry. Westallen seems kind of forced, it's a Stereotyp. And I am just sick of how they potray the friendship of Barry and Caitlin on the show. It is just not present enough (But I haven't finished season 6, so maybe it might change a little bit, but even if, it wouldn't make up for earlier seasons). That all might have blocked me as well. But this Story deserves an ending, so I am going to get back to it. Feedback in any way is always welcome.

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