23. Chapter: The Plan

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Barry's pov

"Okay, Whats your plan?" I asked.

"We are here!" I heard Iris voice in the same moment and a second later she and Joe entered the cortex.

"What did we miss?" Joe asked. "Cisco was about to explain his idea to get Cait back. An idea, where I am not dying, like Cicada wishes, as he just told us in a video message" I answered frustrated.

Joe looked confused.

"You mean he contacted you?"

"Yes, you can watch the video later, there is no time to explain it to you now, cause he gave also us a time limit"

"I see" Joe said a bit worried "Go ahead then Cisco" he added.

"Well, we only need to inject Cicada the serum before he can kill anybody, right?" Cisco picked up where he had left.

"Because then he will be cured and Barry would have his speed back around him. Yeah makes sense" Ralph confirmed.

"Excactly!" Cisco said.

"So I thought, why not getting him distracted or let's say, why not having him without his dagger for a second? And the best way to make that possible, in the little time we have left, is you Barry, as a hologram"

I raised my eyebrows. I didn't quite get it.

"But I have to be there and give him the serum and before I will be able to do that, I already won't have my powers anymore...and as a hologram I am just a better picture, without any possibility...and having him without his dagger...what?"

"A better picture without any possibility....well except the possibility not to die, when is dagger goes through your heart. Let me finish explaining" Cisco answered, while walking to the computers.

He showed us the plan of a building.
"This is the plan from hall 14.
There is a little space before the entry. And right before the entry to the mainhall is a long hallway. See that?"

He pointed out the places on the plan.

We nodded.

"I have modified the hologram technology. You'll have small, hardly noticable bracelets around your ankles and wrists and a headset with a little screen. I will send you the live footage of the cameras in the main hall, wich I will hack from the van. So you can see something from your place behind the corner."

I slowly got it.

"And when Cicada throws his dagger to kill me, it will go through me..."

"...your hologram" Cisco corrected.

"...and it will fly to the end of the hallway behind the entry to the main hall. Makes sense."

That was pretty smart. I looked at the plan. I had just to stand right infront of the doorway. So the dagger would find i'ts way out of the room.

"How much time will it give me? I asked Cisco.

"I've calculated the distance to the dagger, you need to have to not loose your speed. It's 25 meters. That means inside the room you have no chance as long the dagger is in there. But the hallways has 40 meters + the 5/10 meters, that Cicada is  inside the room and with a speed of 15m/s it takes 6.67 seconds until Cicada has the dagger back. What means you have excactly 3.34 seconds with your speed and 3.34 seconds without your speed until Cicada gets his dagger back into his hands. That is the time you have, to inject the serum."

I sighed it was a little risky, but better than nothing and we had just 20 min left, so it was the best we had.

"Thanks Cisc, that is a great idea"

"It's not the best plan, but our only chance!" He answered.

"And Barry, I don't have absolute numbers of the distance. So be quick, cause it might be less time than we thought. Lets hope for a little bit of reaction time"

I nodded.

"One more thing" Sherloque said.
"Try to get a bit more time before he is going to kill your hologram. Talk to him or something like that, while checking out the room it might give you a better chance to suceed later if you know the way you wanna take.

"I will" I said.

Okay I am getting the stuff. Cisco said
"Who is driving the van while I am configuring everything?" he asked, looking at Ralph.

"I will..."Ralph started.

"Let me come with you please" Iris interrupted.

Cisco raised his eyebrows

"I would prefer to have somebody with powers, but sure"

"I agree" Joe said.

"Dad its just in the van, I'll be safe. And Ralph won't have his powers anyways if it comes to a fight with Cicada"

"Touché" Cisco answered.

"What ever" I said
"We have to go!"

"Okay but I will take one of my men and a police car and come with you. Then I can take Cicada with me if you succeed." Joe added and followed Iris an Cisco.

"Good luck! We will se each other later" Sherloque said as a good bye.

Iris parked the van close to the hall.
And Cisco put the hologram hardware around my wrists, ankles and my head. I checked the sound of my headset.

"One more second, than I have acces to the security cameras." Cisco said.

"There we go..."

"Okay as soon as your hologram is in the room, the picture will be transfered to you. We will observe everything from here. Now it's on you!"

He looked at me.

"Get us Caitlin back and don't forget yourself" He smiled to give me strenght.

A wave of hope went through my body.
"I will save her!" I said.

Then I pulled my hood over.
"Barry..." Iris started to talk.

I turned around to her. Her eyes looked a bit sad.

"Leave everything behind for now and just focus on Cicada and Caitlin." She said after she swallowed.

I nodded. I knew she meant us with "everything". I heard in her voice that she somehow knew, that I had already left us behind.

Guys, we've got 10k reads, I totally forgot to mention that last time. THANK YOU 💖 for reading, commenting and voting!

Btw I recently rewatched parts from season 5 and realised I started to write this story while seaon 5 was still airing. So yeah it's a bit embarrassing that it took me so long and Cicada is actually long gone. But you know  why not living a bit in the past 🙈 xD
I am really sorry that I am not so fast at updating, what might be a reason that some get annoyed and stop reading.
I do write because I love it, but my inspiration  and ideas don't come at once, unfortunately...

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