19. Chapter: Need you now!

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Caitlin's pov (Friday evening 7:30 pm)

I looked at myself in the mirror, I had put a dress in bordeaux on. It suited my hair. Even though It was just Cisco taking me out. I wanted to feel good about myself today and forget everything else.

"We look good" Frost said. I blushed "Yes we do". In that moment the doorbell rang.

"One second" I shouted. Than I put a little bit lipgloss on, „perfect" I smiled. I was actually happy to go out with Cisco I needed to prove myself that I could also be a girl and not only Doctor Snow the workaholic. But more important, I hadn't had much fun friends time next to work, besides while working with Bar... Nope I wouldn't go there now.

I walked to the door and opened it. „You look beautiful Cait" Cisco said. He was wearing jeans, a buttoned shirt and a dark blue blazer. „Thanks, you look not bad either" I said with a smirk.

"Were are we going?" I asked curiously on the way to the car. „You'll see" Cisco smiled. „Oh and another question, I know it's our evening, but I wondered if Kamilla could join us when she is done with work? Ist okay if not, Just thout it might be fun"

Cisco met Kamilla in a bar a few weeks ago, and I guess they were becoming a thing, at least Cisco had totally fallen for her. „Of course she should come, its gonna be fun" I smiled.

After  a few minutes Cisco moved the car into an empty parking space. The environment looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out what place we were going. I followed Cisco down the road.

"Here we are, you always talked about this place, and said that you love it. So I kept that in my mind" Cisco said. I looked up. And when I saw the sign, memories flashed me and my heart seemed to carry a rock. It was the karaoke bar Barry had taken me a couple of years ago. Cisco couldn't know and I didn't want to say anything now. So I smiled "Yeah it's a great place, Thanks Cisco". 

This evening was supossed to be a time, were I was not thinking about Barry and now we were at a place that gave me all those sweet memories, which were covered in pain, considering what I had gone through afterwards.

Well Cisco was not bad at distracting me and it was a fun evening, especially when Kamilla joined us. We talked and laughed a lot, I liked Kamilla, she was a great person.

„I'll be right back" She said now. I looked at Cisco, he was so happy.

„Cisco Ramon, I challenge you, to sing with me" Kamillas Voice came through the speakers a moment later. I started laughing.

„Oh c'mon Kamilla I really don't..."Cisco started but was interrupted by the crowd "CISCO, CISCO, CISCO...." Everybody was yelling. Another wave of flaschbacks hit me. „BARRY, BARRY, BARRY..." I heard the voices oft the people in my head. I shook my head, and tried to step out of the memories. But when Cisco, convinced from the crowd, started singing with Kamilla, I couldn't help it but letting all the memories come into my head. 

I had been drunk that evening, and I had never remembered it as clear as today. The look he had given me, the smile, his voice... I had to stop thinking about him. Instead I tried to focus on Cisco and Kamilla. They were the perfect couple, I hoped for Cisco he would be confident enough with her. When they wer done, Cisco came back, while Kamilla went tot he Bathroom.

"You guys sounded great" I said. "Thanks Cait, by the way it's almost midnight, shall I take you home?" I thought a moment.

"You know what, actually no. You should take Kamilla for a walk or whatever. Do something together just the two of you. I can take a uber. I can tell, you really like her" I smiled.

"It is that obvious huh?" he blushed „Are you sure?"

„"Yes , I'm fine Cisco, Thank you for everything today"

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