11. Chapter: When you need someone

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Caitlin's pov

I didn't make progress, because something was missing...Barry. I realised I missed him. We had only worked closely for four days together, but I had to admit, that they were the best four working days, since a long time.
I was kind of afraid of my thoughts, cause, they were based on my feelings and I realised, that some special ones came slowly back.

I looked at my phone, I had the urge to call Barry. My hands took the phone and went on Barrys number. I starred at it...suddenly I was realising, what I was doing and put my phone quickly back on the table.
I was stupid, he had a freaking date, with his wife. What was my mind doing? I should focus on the serum

In this moment my phone rang.

I looked at the display, it showed Barry's name and number. I was confused and suprised. But my heart did a little jump... damn feelings.

,,Hey, Barry, what is going on?" I answered the call
,,Hey Cait" his voice sounded silent and kind of broken. He was not alright I felt it ,,are you still at Star Labs?"
,,Yes, I am still working...more or less" I answered.
,,Okay, so I can join you?" he asked
,,Of course you can" I only said. I didn't want to confront him and ask him what was going on. He would tell me if he wanted to.

Literally a second later he came into the lab.
,,Are you Okay?" I asked him, he looked like he had cried, but didn't want to show.
He looked at the ground. ,,more or less" he kind of smiled.
I did not know, what happened, probably a fight with iris, but I didn't like to see him broken. I pulled him in a hug. He put his arms around me. We stand just there and it felt like minutes. 

,,Thank you Cait" Barry said after a while and stepped back.
,,I don't know why I even feel bad. I had a fight with Iris, she was very mad at me for some unimportant reason and first I tried to be kind and do everything for her, but she acted arrogant and I kind of lost my controll and said some yeah unkind things. You know, how Iris sometimes can be like. And yeah then I left the restaurant, but couldn't go home and so I wanted to see you" he blushed.
,,I had fun the last days and I need distraction, from Iris" he ended his little speech.
I smiled and nooded.

,,Yes I know Iris, she can be a little bit determinig and annoying sometimes, but you guys will clarify this" I said
,,Yeah if I want to..." he said more to himself.
I ignored it and continued
,,So than, lets work together, we have a lot to do" I smiled and went to my station, he followed me.

It's been a while, I know, I am sorry. Hope you still enjoy it 🙈⚡💗❄️

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