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Chanyeol P.O.V
I kinda feel bad for lieing to jimin but I need the money and Jungkook said he'll pay me a ton of money to see if jimin is cheating so let's send him the pictures.
Chanyeol: sent a picture

Jungkook:thanks chanyeol and WAIT WHAT.

Chanyeol: yes that is Min Yoongi  from the rival hockey team.

Jungkook: that son of a b*tch I can believe he is hitting on my boyfriend. Thanks for the picture he knows not to flirt with what belongs to me.

Chanyeol: no problem and bye  Jungkook

Jungkook P.O.V
I can't believe my rival Yoongi is flirting with my boyfriend Jimin. Ughhhhh!!! I don't want anyone to take jimin away from me and if it means I have to take extreme measures. Starts playing with my switchblade while scrolling through Instagram.
Yoongis P.O.V
I got home dropping my stick and skates by the door while taking off my shoes. I go to the couch and lay down and watch tv. Ring!Ring! Ughhh someone is at the door. I get up and walk towards the door and open it and it's my girlfriend Ava."hey baby" "hey babygirl what's wrong?" "Nothing I just wanted to see my boyfriend and spend time with him" ava Walks in and hugs Yoongi and Yoongi carry's Ava and walks upstairs to his room. "Let's have a movie night babygirl" "okay Baby" i walk into my room and lay on my bed with Ava infront of me and I back hug her. She takes a picture with the mirror that across from us and I put on the movie "Train to Busan". We cuddle while watching the movie.
Jimins P.O.V
I get home and hang my skates by the door and see a note "hey jiminie I'm gonna be home late I got called into work for some issue with customers or something like that love you -jinnie" I walk towards the kitchen and decide to make myself a sandwich and I grabs some chips then I hear that someone is knocking at the door I get and and open the door and see Jungkook. "Oh hey kook-" "what the f*ck is this" Jungkook shows jimin the picture that was taken of jimin and Yoongi talking. "Wait where did you get that from??" "It doesn't matter just tell me why you were flirting with my f*cking rival" "wait what I wasn't flirting we just met and he was being nice by introducing himself" "cut the bullsh*t jimin I knew you would cheat on me one day" "wait what!! I would never do that" "STOP LIEING TO ME" "IM NOT LIEIN-the only sound that echoed was SLAP! Jimin was holding his cheek holding back tears. Jungkook then realized what he did but he was to late because jimin ran out the door. I kept running not knowing where I was going as I was running I trip over a rock and continue crying once I stop I look up. "Where am I?"

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