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Friday 10:37 am

Yoongis P.O.V
I wake up and I have a major headache. I sit up and put two fingers on my temple. I think to myself "sh*t how much did I drink last night." I realize that I'm naked and my clothes are scattered around the room. I notice that some is laying next to me and I panic. I get up and put on my boxers and walk over to the other side and look at the person and see it's Jimin. I start running around the room and start putting on my clothes which is my costume and carry my shoes and run out the room and out the house.

Jimins P.O.V
I wake up and see someone with mint hair running out the room.i realize that I'm naked and I have a massive headache. I get up and put on my clothes and carry my heels.i walk downstairs and see Tae. "Hey taetae" "hey jimin" "I see you had a fun night" Tae winks at me and I blush. "Actually I don't remember who I slept with I do remember Jungkook cheating on me." "Oh I'm sorry to hear that but you deserve better anyways jiminie." "Yea your right taetae" I walk out of taes house and walk home barefoot. I see Jungkook sitting at my door step like he was waiting for me. I walk up to him and he gets up and stands in front of me eyes filled with angry and hatred.

Warning ⚠️ 🔞: if you don't wanna read about someone getting abused skip to where you see this 💜

"Where the fuck were you at" "I passed out in one of Tae's guest rooms." I say while looking down. "Don't bullsh*t me I saw another guy laying next to you whore. "Like you didn't cheat either I saw you having sex with Yoongis girlfriend and you looked at me and didn't even care." "She's way better than you" "oh rlly then why are you here" "because we aren't broken up so you still belong to me" "well news flash we are over now!" I walk up the steps but I feel Jungkook grab my wrist and pulls me back hard. I fall back on my butt and it's hurts because I'm sore from last night. "We're not over" he yanks my arm and he tries to kiss me but I slap him and I regret it because he them slaps me back harder. He takes my house keys and opens the apartment that Jin and I share and throws me onto the floor. "Ahh!" I land really hard on the ground. He grabs me by my hair and slaps me a couple more times. My cheeks are now numb and Jungkook drops me on the floor and kicks me in the stomach and I hear him say "your such a f*cking whore, screwing other guys, am I not enough for you, you are useless, worthless and a waste of space and air.


Then I feel no more kicks. I open my eyes and see Jin pulling Jungkook by the ear and throwing him out the apartment and he comes running and picks me up and carry's me to the couch while treating my cheeks and my stomach.

Seokjin P.O.V
I have a bag of groceries in my arm and I fumble with my keys then I hear some inside talking and another person groaning. I manage to open the door an see Jungkook kicking jimin in the stomach. I grab him by his ear and drag him out the apartment and lock the door. I run to jimin picking him up and carrying him to the couch and freaking his reddish purple cheeks and stomach. "What happened" "I caught Jungkook cheating on me and I got drunk and slept with someone who has mint green hair. "Well did you break up with Jungkook" "I did but that's when he started beating me and saying hurtful things.." "he's never gonna be near you again I promise" "let's just change the topic what are you gonna do about that guy named Namjoon, Jin-hyung" "oh well I'm gonna go on a date with him tomorrow night and I want you to come so you can help me if I start talking about myself or embarrass myself" " I would love to hyung" "well get some rest jiminie" "okay hyung" I close my eyes and slowly drift off to dreamland.

Yoongis P.O.V
I get home and run up to my room and lock it and start panting. I try to relax and collect my thoughts. I think in my head. "I slept with jm, my girlfriend cheated on me with my worst enemy and the guy who stabbed me." I sit on the edge of my bed while thinking the I hear a Ding! Coming from my phone. I grab my phone and check who it is and it's from Namjoon.

God of Destruction 💥
Hey Yoongi u hungry.🍱

Midget 🏒
Yea I kinda am hyung.😋

God of Destruction 💥
Alright I'll get you kimchi and some soda.🥤

Midget 🏒
Thanks hyung and how's it going with that guy Seokjin.

God of Destruction 💥
Actually I was wondering if you could come with me so I don't destroy anything or do something stupid.

Midget 🏒
Ughhh fine I'll go with you but you owe me big time. I hate third wheeling. 😷

God of Destruction 💥
YAY!!! I'll buy you your favorite snacks.

Midget 🏒
Yay thank you hyung
God of Destruction 💥
Your welcome and I'll see you when I get home with your food.

Midget 🏒
Okay see ya hyung

I put my phone to charge. I grab some short and boxer and go to the restroom and turn on the water and start undressing myself. I get in and once the hot water hits my skin I feel more relaxed. I forget about everything and just washes my hair and body. I get out and put on my boxers and shorts. I walk to my room and lay on my bed. I grab my laptop and watch some videos.

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