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Jimins P.O.V
When we got back to Yoongis house we were laughing. God he so handsome I just wanna kiss him. Well we stumble into his house, we take our shoes off by the door and see two other guys on his couch and I think there his brothers. I hear him say "oh hey Namjoon hyung and hobi" oh hey yoon" I remember Namjoon which is jins boyfriend now and I think I saw the other guy at taetaes party. "We are gonna go upstairs and try to not laugh loud". Yoongi grabs my hand and leads me up to his room. I look at the wall and stop while looking at the pictures and notice that there are no family pictures just of three little boys. I stare at them confused as to why there are no parents. "We don't have any pictures of our parents". I jump alittle because I didn't notice Yoongi was standing next to me while I was looking at the pictures and I decided to ask."why is that?" "It's a long story" "I would like to hear" "Umm okay follow me"

Yoongis P.O.V
I hold jimins hand and I walk into my room. Once jimin walks in I lock the door and I sit on a chair while jimin sits on my bed. "You know my brothers Namjoon and Hoseok" "yes" "well when we were younger... our parents used to hurt us.


Flashback to 15 years ago

"Namjoonie-hyung can me and hobi have Ice cream pwease?" "Yea hyung can we pwease" "Hmm okay lets go". Namjoon,Hoseok and I  walk out the house and to the ice cream truck. I get mint chocolate chip, hobi gets chocolate swirl while Namjoon gets rocky road. We go to our front lawn and sit down eating our ice cream. I finish mine first and see eomma and appa's car. "Hyung look!!!" I point to there car. We get up and run into the house. Namjoon runs and hides his money while hobi throws his ice cream away. We all stand by the door by height. Appa walks in and he's angry. "WHY WERE YOU GUYS OUTSIDE!!" "we wanted ice cream appa" "só I don't care I told you guys to stay in the house until we come back! Namjoon com here now!!" "N-No a-appa it was m-my idea to g-go o-outside" "I knew it you always drag your brothers with you yoongi!!" I flinch at his words because it was true I do drag my brothers and I always get them in trouble. I then hear my appa say "you know what to do". I hang my head low and walk up to my room. Once I'm inside I take my shirt off, go to the wall and put my hands against it while my head hangs low. I hear my parents and brothers footsteps. My appa says, "now Namjoon and hoseok your gonna watch me teach your stupid f*ck up of brother a lesson!" . I hear him take the belt from his pants. "Now your gonna count how many times you get hit you little sh*t!" "Y-yes a-appa..". He winds his belt and hits it against my back. "O-one" I bite my lip from the pain. After four hits from the belt I'm full on sobbing. He winds his belt again and I hear it hit something but it's not my back. I look back and see my brothers covering my back. "Get out of the way Namjoon and Hoseok!" "No appa we won't let you or eomma hurt Yoongi or any of us anymore!!"Namjoon says, "I called the police eomma and appa!"Hoseok yells. I collapse onto  the floor and I feel Namjoon wrap a blanket around my body. Then SLAM! Lights are flashing and I see guys in uniforms yelling at my eomma and appa. An officer comes to me and picks me up with my blanket and carries me outside. I'm put inside a ambulance. "Where are my brothers?" "They are with your aunt and uncle do you want them" "yes pwease" the officer leaves and comes back with Namjoon and Hoseok. A couple days later I'm at my uncles house and my aunt and uncle are my guardians.

End of flashback

I didn't notice that tears were running down my face until jimin came and hugged me. "I'm sorry you went through that" "it's okay and that's the story as to why we don't have pictures of them..." i get up from my seat and go to my drawers and grabs a white tshirt and hand it to jimin. Jimin grabs it and goes to the rest room to change while I change into some I qq grey sweats and a black long sleeve shirt. I see jimin walk out and the shirt looks big and it's so cute. Jimin lays on my bed and I lay next to jimin. I feel my eyes get heavy and I drift off to sleep.

Jimin P.O.V
I feel bad that Yoongi went through that and I turn and see that Yoongi is fast asleep I stare at him and smiles. Hes so adorable while sleeping. Then sleep comes over me and then I fall fast asleep...

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