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Namjin Pt. 2 (the date)
Saturday 9:00 am

Seokjin P.O.V
I woke and see it's 9:00 am. Ughh It's to early. I then remembered about my date with Namjoon and got a smile plastered on my face. I get up and Walt to my restroom. I put my hair out of my face and do my morning routine. I wipe my face with a hand towel, walk to my closet and look for an outfit to wear. I put on this.

I tie my shoes and style my black hair alittle and spray on some cologne

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I tie my shoes and style my black hair alittle and spray on some cologne. I walk downstairs and walk towards the kitchen. I make pancakes from scratch with a side of bacon, eggs. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. The person walks towards me and I say, "good morning jimin" "aww I wanted to scare you hyung and morning" "jimin I'm your hyung you can't scare me" "your right hyung" i serve the breakfest into two plates and turn around and see jm wearing this.

 The person walks towards me and I say, "good morning jimin" "aww I wanted to scare you hyung and morning" "jimin I'm your hyung you can't scare me" "your right hyung" i serve the breakfest into two plates and turn around and see jm wearing this

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We sit down on the table and start eating the breakfest together having small talk.

Namjoon's P.O.V
I wake up and see it's 9:10 am and I get out of bed and walk towards the bathroom. I do my usual morning routine and dry my face and hands with a towel. I walk back to my room and look for the perfect outfit. I find one and put it on.

I walk downstairs and see Yoongi sitting down on a bar stool with a cup of coffee in hand and a plate full of toast

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I walk downstairs and see Yoongi sitting down on a bar stool with a cup of coffee in hand and a plate full of toast. I notice Yoongi is wearing this.

I make some coffee for myself and sit at the table

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I make some coffee for myself and sit at the table. Drinking my coffee and eating toast. We finish up and we head to my car and get inside.

No ones P.O.V
Seokjin and Namjoon drive to the place for their date which is the beach specifically the pier. They both park there cars and get out and see each other and walk towards each other. Something unexpected happens Yoongi and jimin make eye contact and Yoongis heart beats rapidly while jimin is blushing like crazy.

Seokjin P.O.V
I see namjoon and get butterflies in my stomach. Goddamnit why does he have to be so hot. We walk up to each other and he speaks first. "Hi Seokjin" "H-hello N-Namjoon" goddamnit why did I stutter. "So why don't we start off our date" "sure let's go joonie" I walk next to Namjoon and he holds my FREAKING hand ughh can this day get any better.

Namjoon's P.O.V
I see Seokjin and my heart starts racing we walk up to each other and may I say he looks so handsome like Mr. Worldwide handsome. I speak first Hi Seokjin" "H-hello N-Namjoon". Aww he's so cute when he stutters. I then say So why don't we start off our date" "sure let's go joonie" he's so adorable and we walk next to each other and I hold his hand.

No ones P.O.V
Their date was just having fun with the games, winning prizes while Yoongi and jimin were awkward at first but then started playing and going on rides. The night consists of laughing, screaming and just happy memories..

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