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Monday 7:18 am

Yoongis P.O.V
I lay on my bed while watching videos on my phone then hoseok walks in. "Hey Yoongi" "hey hoseok" "só what's wrong" "what do you mean" "I know you Yoongi I mean your my twin and you always run at seven o'clock not thirty minutes before so what's on your mind?" "So there's this person I met and I had them over and we watched a scary movie and they got scared so we kissed but I texted them saying to pretend it never happened, I just regret saying that." "Oh well your a dumb*ss why would you do that I can see you don't like Ava anymore" "I know but I've been with her for two years." "So you need to be happy too so you need to break up with her before it's to late" "it is to late I saw on their post that Jungkook commented on it saying something about baby so that means Jungkook is with the person I like..." "well think about it I have to go now bye Yoongi" hoseok walks out and I lay there on my bed thinking about what hoseok said. I get up and grab my skateboard and walk out the door and walk towards the park.

Jimins P.O.V
I kept on rereading the last text between Yoongi and I and just wish he didn't say that. I was deep in thought until I heard a knock on my door and I get up and open it to see my brother Seokjin. "Hi jinnie" "hey jimini- wait what is that on your cheek" omg I forgot about my bruised cheek I say in my head. "O-oh It's n-nothing" "jimin as your older brother you have to tell me" "hyung it's nothing.." "tell me now" "okay fine the other day Jungkook came over and accused me of cheating and I kept saying no until he slapped me but it's fine hyung" "no it's not jimin your in a toxic relationship with a possessive person you need to realize this before it's to late" "hyung I'm okay he didn't mean it and he said sorry" "okay fine but next time this happens promise me you'll break up with him" "I promise hyung" "oh by the way do you wanna come to work with me" "yes please!" "Okay let's go and bring your spare uniform" I grab the uniform and walk downstairs and get in the car with Jin. Jin drives to his restaurant and the whole drive there is silent.
Time skip to when they arrive to the restaurant
I get out and so does Jin. I walk in and I'm hit with so many scents of food. I walk to the back room and change into a white button shirt with a black shirt and a matching black apron. I walk out and start taking orders from the people at the tables they are seated at.

Yoongis P.O.V
I see this restaurant that's all over Instagram so I decide that I want to go and try it out. I might as well go with Namjoon and hoseok. I walk out the room and yell. "Are you guys hungry!! "Sure! They yell in unison. So we all walk to the front and walk out and get in Namjoon e car and I run and sit in the front and hoseok yells. "Hey no fair" "you snooze you lose" hoseok seats in the back and Namjoon starts the car and drives while I give him the directions. A couple minutes later we arrive I realize that it's not that far away. We get out and walk inside and we sit in a booth and a waiter comes over and I look up and see it's jimin.

No one's P.O.V
Jimin doesn't notice Yoongi. "Hi welcome to EatJin what ca-" jimin sees Yoongi and jimins heart drops immediately. "I would like a sprite with some noodles. Hoseok states. "Can I get a water and some Galbi." Namjoon says politely. "U-umm I take a Umm beer and Bulgogi.."Yoongi says with out making eye contact. "Okay your orders will be ready in a bit but I need to see your license sir.." "oh umm okay"Yoongi takes out his wallet and shows and jimin walks to the kitchen and tells Jin the order.
20 minutes later
Jimin comes back while carrying the tray and serves Yoongi, hoseok and Namjoon their food and drinks. After they finish eating jimin comes back and Namjoon pays. "Can I give my compliments to the chef" " oh umm sure just follow me sir" Jimin then leads Namjoon to the kitchen so he can talk to him. Yoongi and hoseok walk back to the car and wait inside for Namjoon to come out so they could leave.

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