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(Namjin special)

Namjoon's P.O.V
I follow the tiny waiter and I almost fall because I tripped on my own foot and the waiter leads me to the kitchen. As soon as I walk in I see a very handsome and broad shoulder guy and he walks over to the waiter."Umm jimin who is this" "this is a fellow customer he wanted to give his compliments to the chef" "o-oh okay-y" the waiter leaves and the handsome guy says" hello sir my name is Kim, Seokjin owner and head chef of this restaurant" "hello nice to meet you my name is Min, Namjoon" "nice to meet you too Namjoon" "I just wanted to say that your food is amazing and I love the atmosphere of this place" "o-oh why thank you"

Seokjin's P.O.V
I was cooking another dish when I notice jimin walk in with a very tall and good looking man. I walk over to them and ask jimin."Umm jimin who is this" "this is a fellow customer he wanted to give his compliments to the chef" "o-oh okay-y" i get flustered and I say to him" hello sir my name is Kim, Seokjin owner and head chef of this restaurant" "hello nice to meet you my name is Min, Namjoon" "nice to meet you too Namjoon" "I just wanted to say that your food is amazing and I love the atmosphere of this place" "o-oh why thankyou" I blush slightly. "No one really ever comes and tells me anything like that. "Really well then they missed out on a chance to meet such a handsome man" I blush even more and see his dimple smile and I just feel myself melt right then and there. Wow he has to be the most handsome man on earth besides me of course. So i decide to ask him "would like to go out some time Namjoon" "o-oh u-umm w-well" I see that his face is turning red then he says as he clears his throat "I would love too" "great so hand me your phone" I say while I have my phone out and we each type in our numbers I save myself on his phone as "handsome Jin💜" and he saves himself as "Future Husband 💍💞". When I get my phone back I see the contact name and I blush like crazy. We stand there blushing and not saying a word until he spoke up, "I better get going before my two brothers start calling me" "oh okay" I stand there and watch him make his way out but I yell "wait!" And I run and kiss him on the cheek and see his cheeks turn red and I go back to work.

Namjoon's P.O.V
I walk out the kitchen and walk out the restaurant with a smile on my face. I get in the car and play some music to see Yoongi sleeping and hoseok on his phone I drive home with the biggest dimple smile on my face. I can't wait to go out with Seokjin.

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