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Yoongis P.O.V
The movie ended and Ava's roommate called her to come back home. I walk downstairs while holding her hand and and open the front door. She walks out and stands infront of me."can I have a Goodnight kiss baby?" "of course babygirl" I lean down and kiss her on the lips after I kiss her I see someone familiar across the street and we make eye contact. Then I realize it's jimin.

Jimins P.O.V
I turn to my left and see someone I never thought I'd see again. It's Yoongi and he's kissing another girl. My heart ached because I wished he was mine and that he was kissing me instead of her but in the end she's way more prettier and thinner than me. I get and run to the park that's not that far away.

Yoongis P.O.V
My girlfriend already left in her car and I saw that jimin was crying and ran to the park.so I grab my keys, lock the door and run towards the park. I scream "JIMIN!!" I continue running. "JIMIN!! I then hear someone crying and I run towards and see jimin sitting on a bench crying and it breaks my heart badly. I sit next to jimin. "J-jimin" jimin lifts his head up and looks at me. "W-what d-do y-you w-want?" "Are you okay" "n-no I-I'm n-not j-just l-leave" "no I'm not gonna leave you alone out here" "why do you care.." "because I hate to see my friends sad" "oh umm I have to go home" jimin got up and was about to walk away I said "wait Umm it's late why don't you stay the night at my house" "no I don't want to bother you" "it's fine my bothers aren't there" "umm okay then"

Time skip to when they arrive to Yoongis apt.

Jimins P.O.V
I walk inside and take my shoes off. "Would you like anything to drink jimin?" "Umm a glass of water please" I see Yoongi walk into the kitchen and I look around and take in the house I see baby pictures of three different little boys and giggle. I spot a specific boy and He seems familiar and I look closer and see it's Yoongi and smile. "Oh I see you found a baby picture of me" I jump and turn around and see Yoongi with a cup I grab it and drink it slowly while blushing and I nod my head. "I brought you an ice pack so your cheek won't be that bruised which I'm guessing you tripped and fell on your face" "yea I can be so clumsy at times" "that's exactly my older brother Namjoon he is the god of destruction so we don't allow him to cook at all" i laugh and I see Yoongi smile but he covers his mouth."would you like to watch a movie in my room?" "Umm sure" we walk up the stairs and Yoongi sits on the edge of his bed so I sit next to him.

Yoongis P.O.V
I look for a movie on Netflix and put on "Sinister 2" we both watch the movie and I grab some snacks from my nightstand and give some to jimin. Then a jump scare comes on and jimin jumps on my lap and we both blush but we continue to watch the movie. I look at jimin and analyze jimins features. Cute brown eyes, little button nose, chubby cheeks and soft looking lips. Then jimin looks at me and we make eye contact and we both start to lean in and we close the gap between us by our lips connecting. I hold jimins jaw and slowly kiss jimin and jimin kisses me back. We continue to kiss until I realize my door is being opened so we both pull away and sit next to each other like nothing happened. I see Namjoon walk in "hey Yoongi" "hey Joonie hyung" oh I see you have a friend over I'll just leave you guys alone" Namjoon leaves and closes the door I check the time and see it's 11:49. "It's getting late we should go to sleep now" "Umm okay" I get up and walk over to drawer and pull out a white long tee and blue basketball shorts and hand them to jimin."here you go" "oh it's fine I'll sleep in my clothes" " no I insist" "o-oh okay" jimin walks over to my bathroom and changes so I change quickly into some grey joggers and a white long sleeve and jimin walks out looking cute in my clothes. Jimin lays on my bed and I lay on the floor. "Umm Yoongi can you come and sleep with me..?" "O-oh u-Umm sure jimin". I get up and lay next to jimin and we both fall fast asleep.

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