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Monday 10:00 am

Yoongis P.O.V
I wake and see I'm laying in bed and I think either Namjoon or hoseok carried me up. I get up and slip on my white Air Force since I'm still in the clothes from earlier. I grab my stick and skates and walk out the door and down to the rink. Once I get there I see the Help Wanted sign so I go up to chanyeol. "Yo Chan what's that sign for?" "The last guy that was resurfacing our ice quit because he kept falling and hurting himself" "oh well I can help with that"  "wait really that would be amazing" "yea I can start whenever" "can you start today like help at the snack bar and later tonight" "sure" chanyeol hands me a shirt as the uniform and I put it over my shirt and walk towards the snack bar. I start giving the people there snacks and they hand me the money.

Jimins P.O.V
I finish my shift and go to the car and grab my skates. I tell Jin where I'm going. I walk towards the rink and I enter and see chanyeol. "Hey channy" "hey chimmy what you doing today" "just gonna do my routine to relax myself" "that's good well I'll be right here if you need anything" "thanks channy" I walk over to the benches and swap out my shoes for my skates and do some light stretches. I get onto the ice and start skating around and doing my routine. I stop and notice a familiar blonde at the snack bar and see it's yoongi. I panic alittle but then do my breathing techniques.

Time skip to when Yoongi is resurfacing the Ice

Yoongis P.O.V
I start to get cold and I hear the doors open and yell "HEY SORRY BUT WERE CLOSED!" I hear the person get closer and I turn around and see two guys. "Hey buddy we are closed" I then see two of them and they get on the ice and they each grab my arm. I try to get free but they have a firm grip I then see a guy with a black mask get in front of me. "Hmm I thought you would have learned by now not to take what's mine" "what are you talking about man" "don't play dumb you've been flirting with someone else" "wait what" "I'm talking about jimin" "wait Jungkook I didn't know in the beginning that you were with jimin" "shut up we can do this the hard way or easy way" " you think I'm scared of you your just another person I'm number one you will always be number two. I see Jungkook pull out a switchblade. "You wanna say that again" "you don't fucking scare m-" I get cut off by a balde being stabbed in my stomach. He then pulls it out and starts walking off the ice.

Jimins P.O.V
I look for my phone in my bag and it's not in there. "Ughh I must have forgot it in the rink" I turn around and walk back towards the rink. I walk in and some guys run past and I walk towards the benches and see my phone I grab it and hear a faint "help me" I walk towards the rink and see someone on the floor clutching there stomach and a pool of blood around them. I run into the rink and get on my knees and see it's Yoongi. "Yoongi what-t h-happened." "J-Jungkook he- Yoongi coughs. "He -s-stabbed m-me" "wait what" I grab my phone and dial 911. I talk to the operator while holding Yoongis hand and a few tears roll down my cheek. "Stay with me Yoongi." I choke out a sob and continue talking to the lady on the other line.

Yoongis P.O.V
I'm losing a lot of blood he must've cut me deep. I hear jimin talking but I feel the whole world move slowly. I close my eyes and the last thing I hear is "stay with me Yoongi. Everything turns black.

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