Knives and Feathers | Chapter 7 | Part 1

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Virgil POV
I awoke to the sun shinning through Prince's window. My eyes opened to find Prince coming in the room, he was dripping with droplets of crystal queer water. His hair was darker and soaked, his smile shone white. He had a towel draped around his lower half which showed his abs and muscles off. I blushed a bright red.
"Ah Virge your awake!" He said with a pure smile upon his face. I blushed even more and then I remembered what almost happened last night.
"Uh... hey Roman..." I spoke getting up from his bed.
"Virgil, you ready to tell the others about... this?" He asked. I thought about it before nodding. He rushed over and gave me a few kisses.
"Here let me get changed before we go down." He said. I though he would and change in the bathroom or ask me to leave. Instead he took the towel off in front of me. I immediately looked away before he grabbed my chin and left a soft kiss on my lips. When we broke apart he smiled before pulling on some white sweatpants and a white and gold tank top. He was about to do his hair before I said "no don't you look better with your hair like this."
He smiled and lightly kiss me again before pulling me towards him.
"You ready my love?" He asked and I responded with a nod. I was just wearing black sweatpants with my shirt off and my wings out. I quickly applied some eyeshadow and we left. We came down to see Patton and Logan dancing together in the kitchen, the radio was playing beautiful music. The two noticed us and broke apart.
"I guess it's time I explain."

Time Skip

After explaining my power and Roman and I's relationship the two both had different reactions. Patton was so happy for me and Roman but didn't want us doing "Naughty Things", he was also accepting of my power. Logan was fine with the relationship but he was so interested in my wings. He said that he might want to do some safe tests to help me use my power safely. I was in my room, Roman was off on a quest or something. I sighed, and laid on my bed my wings were out and relaxed. I spotted something shinny in the corner of my room. My eyes were drawn to the item. Memories flooded into my brain, the things I did with it. I walked over and picked it up. The dagger shone, the dark purple handle had purple vines over in and connected to a purple gem in the shape of a spider. The knife was small but not too small. I gripped the handle and remembered what I did with it. There was still some blood stains on it. I lifted it, and then the door opened.

Sorry it's been a while since I've uploaded. I wasn't happy with this story  and I needed to take a break. Along with dealing with stuff like anxiety, school, depression and other things. So please enjoy! Until next time take it easy guys, gals, and non binary pals!

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