A job and good news | Chapter 20 | Part 3

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Patton POV
I was lying in bed, me and Logan were discussing how to tell them. I was 8 months in after all. We should tell them. As we were brainstorming Logan groaned.
"What's wrong Logie?" I asked him.
"I can't believe we've wanted a child for over 16 years and we never planned how to tell them we are having a baby!" Logan exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air. I giggled and smiled at my logical fiancé. We had been fiancés for so long and were waiting until we had a child so they could witness the wedding. Now to think!

Virgil POV
Roman recommended that I get a job or something to do. I'm walking through town obviously getting a few stares. I'm a light side after all. I was wearing a black crop top with a white puffy sleeved coat. Along with black ripped jeans. My hoodie was in the wash so I was wearing something different my wings were out and the markings under my eyes were showing. As I walked I spotted a help wanted sign for a restaurant. I walked in and the host noticed me.
"Hi what can I do for you?" They asked me.
"Um I say the help wanted sign and-" I began.
"Oh you want a job here?"
"Yes, I do."
"Alright follow me!" I followed the worked to the back room and sat down with them.
"So what's your name?" He asked clicking his pen and grabbing a clipboard and paperwork.
"Virgil" I answered.
"Anxiety" he then froze when I told him that.
"The light side?"
"Yep." He seemed so shocked.
"Well ok! Do you have any talents?" I thought for a second before answering.
"I'm good at singing and I can dance decently." I answered.
"Ok you got the job!"
"Wait what?" I was confused only a few questions?
"I'm thinking of having you as one of our entertainer waiters does that sound good?" I nodded my head what was I getting into?
"Work starts tomorrow at 9 DONT be late!"

Time Skip
Logan and Patton called me and Roman to the living room. They said they wanted to tell us something. Patton has been wearing his cardigan like it's supposed to be worn lately which was strange. We got there and sat down on the couch. Logan and Patton were sitting across from us.
"So what did you want us here for?" I asked them. Patton then looked to Logan and Logan looked back at him and nodded.
"Well we have some good news to tell you..." Patton said.
"That's amazing so what is it!?" Roman asked excitedly.
"Well me and Pat have wanted a child for over 16 years and-" Patton cut his fiancé off.
"WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!!" Our jaws dropped.
"Really? You're joking right? Give me proof!" I was not expecting that but when Patton took his cardigan off it was clear he had a round baby bump.
"Omg! Omg! CONGRATS!!!" Roman was gushing with happiness.
"How many weeks of months are you?!" Roman asked Patton.
"Um 8 months it took a while to try and figure out how and when was the perfect time to tell you."
"Oh my goodness! You only have one month left, do you have any ideas for names?" I asked the couple.
"Um we was thinking of Ollie or Oliver... We actually suggested the name to Romulus for you Roman but he didn't see it fit." Logan answered my question and Roman blushed.
"I can't believe my name was almost Oliver it doesn't suit me at all!" Roman exclaimed.
"Though I think that would be an excellent name for your child!" Roman then finished. That night there was so much happy and lively chatter it was nice. I liked it.
Hey everyone! Y'all though I was gonna make Virgil pregante in this chapter or next chapter but nope! Patton and Logan need a child!!! Well until next time take it easy guys, gals, non binary pals and genderqueer peers! PEACE OUT!!!

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