Paparrazi | Chapter 25 | Part 3

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Virgil POV
It's been a month since Roman and I'd relationship became public. I couldn't go to work because of my pregnancy because in that job it's easy to hurt myself and the baby. I was in my room, resting. I groaned as another wave of nausea hit me. I got up and headed to the bathroom. I then proceeded to throw up. This had become routine by now. I groaned as I slumped back to my bed.
"Virgil how are you doing?" Patton asked as he came in.
"Terrible. Being pregnant sucks." I said into my pillow. Patton looked at me and folded his arms.
"Wanna make cookies to cheer you up?!" He asked happily. I lifted my head from my pillow. My face brightened. Finally something to do! I nodded my head.
I got up and made my way downstairs with Patton. We started to make the cookies. Patton smiled at me.
"Any ideas for baby names?!" He asked me. I froze, I had a few ideas for names but I hadn't asked Roman about any of them.
"We haven't talked about names but... I like River and Darcy..." I muttered, as Patton's eyes lit up.
"Wow those are amazing names!" Patton   Happily smiled. I softly smiled as we continued to make cookies.
After putting the delicious treats in the oven. Patton went and got Ollie. The sides eyes were a soft brown and stared up at me. I hadn't ever really met Ollie. A few buttercups immediately appeared on my head just as the baby's eyes flickered a soft baby blue.
Patton's and my eyes widened as the baby giggled and reached for the flowers.
"LOGAN THE BABY DID SOMETHING!!!!" Patton shouted. I heard a door slam open and shut. And just like that Logan ran down the stairs.
"What happened?!" Logan hurried over.
"Ollie did... this" Patton took the butter cups out of my hair and showed them to Logan and explained what happened.
"Perhaps when he is extremely curious or interested in something flowers or plants will appear on or near the thing they are curious about." Logan said taking Oliver from Patton.
"HE MUST LIKE YOU VIRGIL!!!" Patton happily said. I was just in awe.
"Oh Virgil here!" Logan handed Virgil an envelope.
"Next month is Pat's and I'd wedding. We would like for you and Roman to attend." Logan said cradling baby Oliver.
"Of course we will attend!" I said and after that we took the cookies out of the oven.

Roman POV
As Virgil and I made our way through town running errands people rushed around us asking questions and taking photos. I was used to this and so was Patton and Logan, but Virgil was not. He was looking down nervously. Someone shoved a camera in on face causing him to immediately move towards me and grab my arm, shaking. As much as he's improved he's still Anxiety.
"Hey get those cameras out of there faces your causing us distress!" I ordered wrapping and arm around Virgil. We soon found the store we needed to enter.
As we got in we began to look for outfits to wear to Logan and Patton's wedding. We then found the perfect thing. Two black button down shirts, and dress pants. With black heeled boots and capes that were both black with gold accents. Then there were gold vests and golden gloves with it too. It was perfect!

Hey everyone I hope you all are having an amazing holiday season! I really don't have much to say so 😐.
Until next time take it easy guys, gals, non binary pals, and genderqueer peers! PEACE OUT!!!

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