What a waste of a lovely night | Chapter 16 | Part 2

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Roman POV
I watched the love of my life sing, his eyes would occasionally flicker from Yellow to brown and then back to yellow. He was fighting back before his eyes turned jet black and he screamed. He fell on the ground as I rushed over to help him.
"Show and tell" he softly and weakly sang.
"Don't give in Virge, don't give in Anxiety!" I cried as I held him.
"I'm on display for all you fuckers to see" he sang even quieter, he was suffering. Black tears trailed down his cheeks.
"Virgil... please" I sobbed.
"The sun is nearly gone, the lights are turning on, a silver shine that stretches to the sea" I sang to him.
"We've stumbled on a view that's tailor made for two, what a shame those two are you and me" I continued to sing still crying as he weakly coughed.
"Some other girl and guy would love the swirling sky, but there's only you and I and we've got... a shot" as I sang "a shot" his eyes lit up and he weakly smiled.
"This could never be your the type for me" I continued to sing as I held the anxious side close.
"And there's not a spark in sight, what a waste of a lovely night" I sang I knew he wouldn't respond but his mouth opened.
"You say there's nothing here well let's make something clear I think I'll be the one to make that call" he sang, I smiled as more tears came.
"But you'll call?" I then sang.
"And though you looked so cute in your polyester suit"
"It's wool"
"You're right I'd always fall for you" he then sing so beautifully.
"And maybe this appeal to someone not in heels or to any girl who feels there's some chance for romance"
"But I'm frankly feeling something" he sung so softly and I responded.
"Is that so?"
"Or it could be more than nothing"
"Good to know so you agree"
"That's right"
"What a waste of Lovely Night" We finished I kissed him.
"Don't leave me" I whispered to him. His eyes changed from black to the soft brown they were before his wings turned from as black as night and as sharp as knives to soft feathers and a pastel purple color. His eyeshadow turned from black to white.
"I won't"

I know two chapters in one night!? I'm sorry for updating so much right now. I hope you enjoy!!! UNTIL NEXT TIME TAKE IT EASY GUYS GALS AND NON BINARY PALS PEACE OUT!!!!

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