Welcome Little Ring | chapter 27 | part 3

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Virgil POV
It was around my due date when me and Romano decided to have our wedding. I shuffled awkwardly waiting for my time to go out and walk down the aisle. And this wasn't only a wedding it was also Roman being finally crowned as a King and me becoming an official light side. Pat, who was in place for my father held out his arm to me as the music started. He wore a white suit with a long blue cape with white roses on gold accents on it. I took he arm and we walked. Every side watched as I walked down the aisle of the palace. I was wearing a black suit with a dark purple cape with a cobweb pattern on it and tie. My wings had jewelry hung on them and a purple and black flower crown was on my head. I saw Roman at the end of the aisle. I finally met him. He wore an extravagant gown. He wore a red tux with a gold tie and gold accents. Then high heeled black boots a crown. His cape was red with gold accents. He truly was handsome. We spoke our vows and finally the rings were slipped on our fingers. Roman was no longer Prince Roman but King Roman. I was no longer anxiety, I was Storm Virgil. Every light side has a title like "Professor Logan", "Father Patton" and "King Roman".

It was the after party when it happened. I felt a liquid gush in my pants. I tapped Ro on the shoulder and whispered
"Roman my water just broke..." Roman's eyes widened. He rushed me out of the main palace room.
"Excuse me! I have a job for you!" Roman called to a butler.
"Could you find Father Patton and Professor Logan and tell them 'it' is happening and that we are upstairs?!" The butler nodded and rushed away as I felt a pain. We started to climb the stairs until I couldn't walk anymore. Roman picked me up and brought me to a spare bedroom that he used when he needed to stay overnight at the palace.
I groaned as he laid me down. He grasped my hand tightly and I looked up at him and kissed him.
Patton and Logan soon arrived. It all happened at once.
Patton told me breathing exercises.
Logan helped by checking that I was healthy and ok to deliver.
Finally Roman was there giving my emotional support.
Finally we got to meet our child. He wailed and cried but soon the noise failed as he was placed in my arms.
"Hello Ring welcome to the world."

Hey everyone I've been struggling with writers block and some personal issues but here is the last chapter of this fan fiction. Thank you all for the support I while update this with a poll to see what my next fan fiction should be soon.
Until next time, take it easy guys gals non-binary pals, and genderqueer peers

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