Getting used to things | Chapter 19 | Part 3

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Virgil POV
I woke up from my sleep just as Roman walking in with a coffee and some pancakes.
"Good morning my love! I've brought you breakfast!" He said heroically. I smiled as he set the food down in front of me. I softly kissed him on the cheek before beginning to eat.

Roman POV
I couldn't imagine what having a period must be like for Virgil. I got him some breakfast and coffee which he seemed to enjoy. I smiled at him. I was a giver, the possibility that we could have a child together was well frightening but we were definitely not ready for that.

Virgil POV
I was curled up in bed, my cramps were really getting to me but Roman had gone out to do some princely duties. I groaned in pain. Then there was a knock on the door. I immediately tried to look presentable but I still looked like shit.
"Come in!" I called out. Patton then came in.
"Hey kiddo I came to check in on you I heard you have your period." I nodded my head. He came over and sat next to me.
"How long have you been having it?" He asked me.
"I've been getting it for about a year now." I answered his question.
"Why didn't you tell me! I could have helped you with it! I've been getting mine for many years, yeah it's annoying and tiring but in the end it means we can be blessed with a child." Patton and I talked for a while. After about an hour Patton left.

5 days pass

My period is finally gone. I'm lying on princey and I's bed. Roman comes into the room his eyes filled with lust and desire. I sat up on the bed and he rushed over to me and started kissing me. His hands on my hips and I rest one hand on his face. We continue to kiss, he breaks away from my lips. A string of saliva connecting our lips as he parts his. "Virgil do you want to-" I cut him off by softly kissing him and then once I part from him a nod.
"Yes I do want to have sex with you Roman."
Smut warning!
Roman pushes me against the mattresses and passionately kisses me. Our kiss becomes heated, his tongue slithers over my bottom lip. I let it slip in my mouth and explore it. His hands travel down my body and lightly brush my crotch area causing me to moan. Our kiss breaks and he starts to kiss my neck. I let out a moan as he found my sweet spot. He smirked and continued to kiss it before sinking his teeth in and nipping it. I let out cries of pleasure as he starts to trail down. He tugs at my hoodie, I nod and he slips it off of me along with my shirt. He starts to leave kisses and hickies on my chest. I moaned as he traveled down to my black ripped jeans. He tugged on it which I responded with a soft kiss. He then unbuttoned the jeans and unzipped them. He pulled them off my legs revealing my boxers. Roman smirked at me before whispering in my ear.
"Are you ready?" He asked his hot breath making me shiver. I nodded my head.
"Please just do it already Ro-Roman ah~" I pleaded the romantic side. He looked up at me and passionately kissed me before pulling down my boxers. I was blushing a bright red from embarrassment. I knew he had already seen me naked but I could only feel self-conscious of my body. He kissed me again and when he pulled away saliva was connecting our lips. He lifted up my thigh and started to kiss it before nipping and bitting it. I moaned.
"Stop teasing and ah~ do it already" I begged of my boyfriend. He looked up at my begging face and smirked.
"Alright whatever you say my Dark Prince." And with that Roman's tongue slid over my tip marking me shiver.
"Ah~ don't be a tease ple-ah~please" I moaned. He chuckled before starting to take the whole thing in his mouth. My head went back as I moaned with pleasure. This was so much more enjoyable than what Deceit did.
"Enjoying yourself are we" Roman said with a mouthful. He started to bob his head up and down. I cried cries of pleasure.
"ROMAN PLEASE I'M GONNA-" and with my warning I came into his mouth. He broke from me and swallowed.
"Roman I'm sorry I-" I began to say before he cut me of with a kiss.
"It was nice Virgil shall we... continue?" He asked, his hot breath made me shiver.
"Y-yes" And when I uttered that word Roman broke away from me and took off his sash and shirt. He then leaned in to kiss me, after kissing me he said
"Virgil I need to lock our door, give me a second and then you can be pleasured." He went to the door and began locking it. In this time I grabbed the blanket on the bed and hid underneath it. It was dark. I heard footsteps get closer before the blanket was thrown off of me.
"Being bad are we?" He smirked, I smiled back at him. He passionately kissed me again and put my legs on his shoulders. After breaking away he held three fingers in front of me.
"Suck" he demanded. My tongue swirled over each finger coating it with saliva. He then proceeded to put one finger in my entrance. I hissed in pain but then let out a moan as he slipped the next finger in. He scissored those fingers as I moaned and my head tilted back. Then he put the third finger in. I moaned as he moved them around before pulling them out of me. I looked up as we was undoing his pants. This left him in his boxers which I helped him pull off. My eyes widened seeing the size of Roman's... dick.
"Whatcha looking at?" Roman asked smiling brightly. I blushed.
"Ready my love?" He asked as he put my legs back on his shoulders. I nodded my head and he smirked at me. He positioned himself with my entrance. Then he entered.
"Ah~" He began thrusting faster and faster. I let out cries of pleasure.
"RO-ROMAN!" I moaned as he continued to thrust, rolling my head back.
After a while of him thrusting I let out a cry, "Roman I'm-ah~ close!"
"I am too" he continued to thrust till finally he came into me, feeling my insides. I then came onto my stomach. He pulled out and softly kissed me.
Smut over
He cleaned us both us before he got in bed with me. He planted a kiss on my forehead. He then pulled the blanket over us. I fell asleep in his arms.

Hey everyone! I hope this was a better smut scene than all my attempts. This took so long because I worked by ads of at my barn because I was the only volunteer there! Well until next time, take it easy guys,gals,non binary pals, and gender queer peers! PEACE OUT!

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