A new fan fic?!

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Hey y'all I have a new fanfic! I took a break from writing for a while but now I'm back baby. Though I am not writing the fanfiction y'all votes for mainly because I wanted to write something for me.

 Though I am not writing the fanfiction y'all votes for mainly because I wanted to write something for me

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"Mirrors and Shatters - Johnlock - Trans!Sherlock x John - Sherlock bbc"

I had an urge to write a BBC Sherlock fanfiction. Except for the fact that Sherlock is transgender. Because I tend to relate heavily to bbc's Sherlock Holmes I wanted to turn him trans and project my issues with being FTM. If y'all are interested that's great. But I know that some of y'all won't be. If you don't know BBC's Sherlock then go watch it it's on Netflix and it's amazing.

I hope you all are doing well in quarantine.
Until next time, take it easy guys, gals, non-binary pals, and gender queer peers.

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