Daggers and Deciet | Chapter 8 | Part 2

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Deciet POV

I groaned Virgil kept on getting into fights with me and Remus. All about how he wanted to fucking go to the light Sides for once and how he wanted to be free of us. Pathetic really. No Dark side could possibly be redeemed! Though I can't have him leave because if he leaves then I don't know what I'll do. After the war, well either almost all of the Dark Sides died or they ran away if they survived it was only Remus, Virgil, and I now. I don't know what'll I'll do if Virgil leaves.
"Hey Damien, if your that worried about Virgie then just lock him in his room! He won't be able to leave then!" Remus exclaimed before lightly pecking my lips.
"That totally not a good idea and I'm definitely not going to do that. And I totally think you should keep frowning your mustache." I stated, the light whiskers over Remus's lip bothered me. He kissed me once more as we began to undress. After that little... session I left Remus and I'd room and snuck to Virgil's room. He was asleep, his room was jet black, cobwebs covered with tons of spiders and a pocket watch that dangled out of his hoodie pocket that was broken. A knife collection was on Virgil's dresser and the room had no windows. His wings were out, my hand brushed over the fluffy feathers. Before leaving the room and pulling out a key. I closed the black wooden door and slid the key in the keyhole and locked the room.
3 day came and left. I came into his room early in the morning when he slept and left all the food he ever needed through the days. Remus and I were on the couch. My leg folded around his waist as he sat on the cushions of the couch. He continued to kiss me and unbutton my clothing, us being switches meant that we could always switch things up. That was when I heard splitting of wood, then foot steps only to see Virgil. He gripped a dagger in one hand, his hair was messy, his wings were out and aggressive, and his face was full of rage.
"YOU. YOU LOCKED ME IN MY ROOM, YOU FUCKING TREATED ME LIKE A FUCKING PRISONER!!!!" He gripped tightly on the handle of the blade. I broke from Remus standing up.
"Virgil, I nev-"
"I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHAT YOUR FUCKING EXCUSE IS YOU FUCKING LIAR!!!!" He screamed at me, I winced at the aggression he was displaying.
"Virgil it wasn't Damien's faul-" Remus began to say before Virgil cut him off.
"SHUT UP YOU FUCKING DUKE!!" He shouted so loud I felt my ears ringing.
"Virg-" I began to say before he cut me off once more.
"DON'T CALL ME THAT YOU FUCKING SNAKE!!" Then it happened, the blade he held sliced against my face. From my mouth to my jaw was now a bleeding curved line. The knife dripped with blood. Then pure rage hit my boyfriend like a bullet to the chest and got up. Virgil realized his mistake, he quickly called for a creature and a spider jumped into his hand and Virgil bolted as Remus screamed after him.
"THE LIGHT SIDES WILL FUCKING HATE YOU FOR YOYR WINGS BECAUSE YOUR A FREAK ABD A MONSTER!!!! YOUR LUCKY THAT WE ACCEPTED YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!" That was the day everything changed, when I turned afraid of spiders, for weeks I avoid knives, and other blades, Remus boarded up Virgil's room and disclosed it from the rest of the world. Virgil probably had a new room and a new happy life by now, lucky son of a bitch. Oh how everything changed.

Hey everyone I decided to updates two times a day today to make up for the time I missed! I loved responding and reading your comments as I just did that!!! I feel so god damn loved right now!! Also please don't be afraid and please message me if you have ideas or you want to recommend and anime or fanfic or book or something! Also don't be afraid to start conversations with me, I like simple human interactions! For now take it easy guys, gals, and non binary pals!!!

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