Oliver's Arrival | Chapter 21 | Part 3

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One month later

Roman POV
I was picking Virgil up from his job for the first time. I walked in and entered the restaurant. The host immediately looked at me and bowed.
"Prince Roman, a pleasure what can I do for you?" The host asked me politely.
"I'm I'm just here to pick Virgil up."
"Oh your early he needs to finish his performance." The host said.
"Performance?" I questioned, them the host led me to a circular stage. There Virgil sat on a swing singing. He held a platter of drinks and the swing swirled around the stage. Sides reached and grabbed some drinks. Virgil then leaped off the swing and onto the stage it was then when I realized what he was wearing. He wore a black sleeveless crop top with multiple black chokers on his neck. He had extremely short, tight black shorts with super high black socks with buckles on them. He had black high heeled boots. His wings were flashy and swayed with him as he moved across the stage. He grabbed another platter with other foods on it and held it as he danced leaning down holding the platter out to the crowd who was cheering. Finally the end of the song came and he slipped back on the swing and swing around handing out drinks until he landed. There was tons of cheering from the crowd I cheered with them. Virgil stepped off the stage as other staff members helped Virgil get to the back room. I headed back to near the door way and Virgil walked out in his hoodie and jeans as normal.
"Hey Virgil I saw your little performance." I purred to him. He smiled.
"I liked to see you dance in buckles." I smirked softly kissing him, his arms wrapped around my next.
"Excuse myself but.. VIRGIL YOUR DATING PRINCE ROMAN?!" The host was so shocked I could only chuckle.
"Yeah we're dating, I guess that's a surprise to you." Virgil smiled at the host waving goodbye. We left the restaurant.
We arrived home. An hour passed and me and Virgil were snuggling on the couch watching Disney movies. Logan burst into the living room, he held Patton's hand.
"Patton's water broke."

Virgil POV
Roman pauses Moana and I didn't know what to do. Roman ran out to start the car. I grab a few blankets because... blankets. We basically jump into the car and Roman speeds off. Logan was in the backseat holding Patton's hand.
"Breathe Pat, Breathe." Logan told the fatherly side as the car sped to the hospital once arriving Patton was rushed away. We hurried to his room. Patton's legs were already in position to give birth. The doctors were making sure everything was going to plan. Patton squeezed Logan's hand and I just stood there anxious for them. Roman noticed this and wraps his arms around me from behind and made me sit on his lap. Soon Patton is instructed to push. After a few pushes a baby's cries are heard at this point Logan has so many tears in his eyes and Patton is sobbing. They wanted a child for so long and now they had one. The doctors cut the umbilical cord and handed the baby to Patton.
"Hi precious baby, hi little Ollie!" Patton sobbed seeing the baby's dorky face. After holding the baby close to him Patton gave Logan little baby Oliver. Logan carefully cradled the small child. Logan happily smiled before giving the baby back to Patton to feed. I could only feel happy for the two. It made me kind of want to have a child with Roman. But Roman probably did t want that. Soon we all headed home with little baby Oliver. When we got back home me and Roman were in bed. Roman was asleep but it was then that I realized, when was the last time I got my period?
Hey everyone! Here's the next chapter I might post another chapter tonight so be prepared!! Until next time take it easy guys, gals, non-binary pals and genderqueer peers! PEACE OUT!!!!

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