Logan's supsition and Virgil's morning sickness | Chapter 22 | Part 3

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Virgil POV
I've been feeling pretty sick lately. I've been throwing up in the morning quite a bit. I also have been eating more than usual too. This has me worried. I also haven't had my period yet. It was the early morning Roman was still in bed asleep. I lay there on my back. I then I immediately jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom connected to Roman and I's room. I started throwing up into the toilet. I heard someone pad over to me and start to rub my back. My eyes when to the bathroom mirror and it was Roman behind me.
"It's ok Virgil." He continued to rub my back as I threw up the continents of my stomach. When I stopped I took a moment to breathe I was out of breath.
"Here Virgil I'm going to take your temperature to see if you have a fever" Roman quickly grabbed the thermometer and checked it. He then had a face of confusion.
"It's says you don't have a fever but maybe it's broken, either way your not going to work today." Roman helped me get back in bed. Later I started getting extremely hungry. Roman refused to get me a big amount of food because I just threw up. I soon fell asleep.

Roman POV
I decided to ask Logan about it. Clearly Virgil was sick but he didn't have a fever. I went to Patton and Logan's room and knocked. Logan opened the door.
"Oh Roman what do you need?" The logical side asked me.
"Um it's about Virgil... can I come in?" I replied. Logan nodded hold the whole door open. Patton was cradling Oliver in his arms.
"So Roman what's going on?" Logan asked me.
"Well Virgil has been kind of sick lately and he threw up this morning. He surprisingly doesn't have a fever."
"When was the last time you had sex?" Logan asked I almost fell back.
"Wha-What?!" I was so confused.
"Just answer the question Roman." Logan clicked his pen while holding a notebook.
"Um about a month ago" I answered already blushing.
"Did you use condoms?" Logan then asked.
"Um I don't remember us using them so no." I answered again as Logan wrote some stuff in his notebook.
"Alright I'll talk to Virgil later."

Virgil POV
Roman headed to work later so I headed downstairs to get some coffee.
"Greetings Virgil May I speak with you?" I was greeted by the logical side. I nodded my head.
"Virgil, Roman tells me you've been sick correct?" Logan asked me. I nodded my head as I started making my coffee.
"Are you hungry often?" Logan asked. I nodded as I poured my coffee.
"When was the last time you had your period?" Logan asked writing stuff down in a notebook.
"Um about a month ago, why?" I questioned the logical side as I sipped my coffee.
"Thanks for your time Virgil." And with that Logan was gone. I took my coffee back upstairs. Huh what a weird day.

Hey everyone I hope you liked this chapter! I'm going to post another chapter most likely later! Until then take it easy guys,gals, non-binary pals and genderqueer peers! PEACE OUT!!!

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