Oliver's curiosity and Roses of Love | Chapter 24 | Part 3

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Patton POV
It's been a month since Virge and Roman found out they're having a child. I was so excited. I held Ollie in my arms in the doctors office. Logan and I's hair was messy, bags were under our eyes. My Cardigan was barely on my shoulders. Logan didn't bother with his normal attire, he wore a dark blue sweater and jeans which looked dashing on him. The doctor came in and smirked.
"Getting used to raising a baby I see!" He chuckled, I smiled and laughed with the doctor. Then he began talking to us seeing how everything was going. Then he did a trait test on Oliver which I had no idea how that worked.
"Alright from the tests, I can officially say that Oliver's trait is curiosity!" The doctor announced both of us were happily surprised. I smiled hugging Ollie. Then after we left.

Virgil POV
I walked through the spacious halls of the Creativity Palace. I walked little behind Roman. He had his arm hooked with mine as we made are way across the palace. A few sides followed behind, probably officials that helped Roman and gave him advice. Of course I felt anxious, the public didn't even know that we were dating. Roman was wearing a white top with a gold vest with a tail. He had white pants with gold accents and tall brownish black heeled boots. He had a long red cape that trailed behind him and a sword tucked into his belt. He wore a golden crown with gold accented makeup. He walked proudly with his head up. While I clung to him. Because I was in the palace I had to wear something formal. I wore a black cloak with black dress pants. I also wore a black formal button down shirt with a silver vest. I had on black gloves and black heeled boots, though I was still shorter than Roman. My wings were hidden and tucked under my cloak. My hood was on my head and my bangs hid my eyes. Roman helped me put on royal makeup like his accept mine had a few differences and was silver.
We made our way to the royal gardens. The flowers were stunning.
"Wow this is beautiful..." I muttered to Roman.
"Yeah Patton made it for Romulus as a gift." Roman answered. We walked through the gardens. Roman picked a red rose from one of the rose bushes. I blushed as he gave it to me with a smile. Before I knew it Roman was holding my hand on one knee. I was shaking and almost crying. The officials stood there shocked as Roman pulled out a small velvet black box. He opened it revealing a ring. The ring had two gemstones in the shape of wings. One was purple and the other was red. A silver band held the two gems. If you looked closely carved into the silver it said "Lovely Night". I was in tears. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Will you, the love of my life Virgil, Marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?" He asked as he slicked his hair back nervously. I dropped the rose and covered my mouth with both of my hands. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I started to cry as I nodded.
"Yes, I will marry you Roman."

Sorry it took a while to write this chapter! The next chapter will hopefully come soon! Until next time take it easy guys, gals, non-binary pals and genderqueer peers! PEACE OUT!!!

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