chapter 15- Maddie

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I hear the front door open. Xander must be back. I open the door and walk out the room. At the end of the corridor I saw 2 people.
This couldn't be Xander...
Could it?
The Xander I knew would never kill a person, not even for me.
"Xander?" I whisper. He's a werewolf so he should of been able to hear me.
No reply.
Now I'm starting to get worried.
I can hear voices now. There both men and none of them are Xander!
Slowly I creep back to my room where I shut the door and lock it.
What if these are the the same people as before? The ones that hurt me?
No way was I sticking around to find out.
Slowly I creep over to the window and open it.
I climb out it and use my powers to levitate while I slide it closed.
I then go up to the roof and sit there until Xander comes back.

It was a long 2 hours. I was starting to worry that they had gotten to him first. Oh god, please let him be okay!
Just then I saw him emerge from the woods dragging a deer in wolf form.
"Xander" I call softly.
Instantly his head whips up.
"What are you doing up there?" He shouts. I instantly put my finger against my lips. I then point down.
He looks inside and sees them.
I go down, grab him, and go back up.
"I heard them coming in. I thought they were you so I went to check. I was lucky they didn't see me. Anyway I came up here to make sure they didn't get you. Now that you're safe, we should go." I explain while still whispering.
"I just need to do one thing." he tells me.
"what make it-" I say before being cut off by his lips on mine. I tense up before relaxing and kissing him back.
All too soon he pulls away.
"Was that quick enough for you?" he asks me.
"Too quick..." I say.
"Well I-I've been wanting to do that for a while so I-I'm glad you didn't freak or anything" he stumbled on his words.
"Xander! Calm down! I've liked you since we met. I've just been too shy to say!" I explain. "however we should get going. They'll come out soon and then we'll be dead so you know...   LET'S GO!"
"okay, okay! Coming."he tells me." ummm. Maddie, I need help getting down. " he tells me.
" oops! I forgot. Grab on tight. "I say." here we go. As soon as you're feet touch the ground let go and start running. Maybe transform if it helps you run faster! Just run! I can't lose you. "


They kissed! Sorry but like.... I love romance so if anyone knows me then they knew that this was going to happen.

Anyway hope you all enjoyed! I've been working on this chapter for ages!

I knew that this would happen but I didn't know how.

Wow! This is a very long authors note.

Okey.... I'm not going to dedicate this chapter to anyone cus it's too hard to pick someone.

Also I'm gonna hold a competition-
The first person to vote and comment on this chapter I will dedicate the next one to. However nasty comments do not count!

Good luck!

Love y'all

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