But Now Your Not Dead. Oh, Wait.

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Shuichi's p.o.v.
I quickly left towards the station taking note of small differences from the day befor- tod- whatever it was. Of course it'd be to simple to leave the days events as is, but it was just as likely that I'd been lied to and it was a loss of memory. The visit was more or less the same as I'd recalled, though.

As I left for home I checked the time and the mark again.



Now all I could do was wait. Only a couple of hours. Then I'll save you. I promise. I don't know why, . . . I just do.

Here I am again. Chasing him again. Closing in again. This time, though, he wouldn't fall. I'd make sure of it. No matter what.

We were about a block or so from the building when he turned a hard left. A different route? Or is it just in my head? It didn't matter. What mattered was keeping him safe.

I followed him through an alley where he quickly slid under a toppling crate that narrowly missed him and shattered upon contact with the dirt ground. I jumped over the splintered pieces of wood and reached out for his cape. If I could stop him before he got to the building he'd be fine. I was so close. A few more inches. Almost there.


It'd began pouring rain and I must've slipped on the mud. That wasn't important though because I'd failed. Again. This scenario was completely new:

He had to have heard and turned around distracted from the terrible fate he'd soon meet. There was a split second where we both just stared. Frozen. Completely paralyzed, it was unlike any fear I'd ever felt before. We gazed at the sight of the bright headlights of the creature that would steal the remaining life from someone I, for some still unknown reason, cared so desperately about. I still didn't quite understand why I had feeling for him, but that all meant nothing when all I could do was state at his once again lifeless body. Helpless.

I could see that the little color there was was slowly draining from the skin that was visible in the glow of the monsters golden eyes. The driver got out of the vehicle and called the ambulance as she raced to check on him. It was obvious to me that she could care less about his condition. It didn't show, but it was plain that she could never care about him the way I did. What am I thinking?

I snapped out of my thoughts and ran over to see the damage done. As I attempted to brush a few strands of hair from his mask I found that I was once a gain unable to interact with my surroundings, my hand passing through him like air. How could I've been so stupid? I'd been so distracted I forgot to check the time.


Just as tears began to flood my eyes and stream down my face, leaving tracks in the dirt, everything began to dissolve and fall away around me. It was like it was just melting, like a blow dryer to a thin plastic model. It was so effortless. Then through staggered breaths I finally let myself begin to sob.
Word count:561

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