Partners In Crime

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Ouma's p.o.v.
It felt strange to believe him. I, myself, was a liar like no other, but I couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or not. Did the dreams have something to do with it? Thinking back to them, I almost didn't want to ask.

The two of us were now outside the bank for Shuichi's first robbery. I was surprised by how easily he agreed, you know, working with the police and everything.

"Like this?" He whispered.



"I got it!"

"Shhh! Great job." I'd taught him how to pick locks and he actually caught on quite quickly. I was impressed. "Now, go get it, boy."

"I'm not a dog, Kokichi."

"Awww, but you're my dog." I pouted.

"I- I- whatever." He grew flustered and pushed past me into the building.

"I'll be waiting for you."

"Got it." He replied. "Be there in five."

"Sweet. All alarms should be cleared already. See you soon." He smiled at me as we went our separate ways.

I quickly made my way to the parking lot out front to choose a car (which wasn't mine, of course, so i had to pick another lock). Eventually, I found one. It wasn't very stand-out or show-off-ish, so we'd blend in well. It was perfect.

This was so exciting, despite the fact that I'd done it about a million times before. Was it because of him?

. . .

He was true to his word and arrived outside at about 5:40-ish. I pulled up beside him and signaled for him to come closer to the vehicle and acted as if I'd never seen him before, which I felt was kinda true.

"Hey, sexy. Need a ride?" I called out as he approached.

"Koki- you're the one who brought me he-"

I honked the horn and cut him off before asking him again. "Oops. My hand must've slipped. How embarrassing. What was thay you said?"

"Hmph. Very funny." He tried to open the door, but I locked it before he could.

"I said, what was that you said?"

"Yeah." He sighed. "I do."

"See, that wasn't so hard." I unlocked the doors and he climbed in, putting the stolen cash in the back seat.

"Oh, by the way," I began as he buckled himself in next to me. "I made a quick call while you were gone."

"Wai- what!?"

"Yep, police are on their way, now." I snickered.

"But th-"

"It'd be no fun if they didn't try to catch us," I interrupted. "Don't you agree?"


"Besides," I looked over at him briefly. "It's your first time. It should be interesting. And you've got me with you. So what are you so worried about? I'm the Phantom Thief, remember? I'm famous for this kind of stuff."

Saihara's p.o.v.
Kokichi was what one could call a 'reckless driver', but he didn't seem to really care.

"Oh, sh-" he shouted as he had to turn out of the way of a tall house back on the road to the highway.

"Do you even know how to drive this thing?" Since this was the third time it'd happened it was kinda obvious.

"Normally, I'd lie and say 'yes'," he began nervously. "But considering the fact that I almost flew us both into that building, I'm-" swerve "HELL! Sorry."

"Geez." I was now gripping the door frame for dear life scared by every curve and object that we passed.

"Anyways, I'm going to now assume you know the answer to that question since that's the . . . fourth? No, fifth. Third time it's happened?"


"Turning left!" He announced. With that my head almost collided with the window.

"Should I drive?"

"In a minute. We're almost there."

This is gonna be a long drive.

. . .

By the time we'd reached the highway, there were already three cars chasing us and I knew more were on their way. They we're coming closer and closer, but Kokichi managed to remain out of reach, almost teasing them.

I still can't believe I'm working with the person I've been tracking down for months. What would the others think if they ever found o-?


"Take the wheel. I'm getting out." As he rolled down the window I could hear the cops yelling at us to pull over.


"Just do it! Ready? In 3 . . . 2 . . . 1!" At one he put on his mask, which had been in his coat, and jumped up so that he was sitting on the windowsill with his knees tucked close to him, so that I'd have enough room to take his place in the driver's seat.

I slid over and instinctively grabbed his arm for fear of him falling.

"Hey!" I shouted over the wind that was now blowing through our hair feircely and glancing quickly at him before returning my gaze to the road. "Be careful."

"Mm." He nodded. I had no idea what he was going to do and became very anxious about the whole situation. He's not going to die before 7:39p.m. bit that doesn't mean he won't get injured or be in pain. What if he falls? What if they hit him? What if I don't pay attention to the road? What if this? What if that? All the what ifs were going to drive me crazy. Come on, Saihara, focus. He knows what he's doing, right?

A sudden gunshot brought me back to reality and out of my thoughts.

"Fine! You wanna play that way!?" I heard Kokichi yell back at the cop cars. "Well, two can play at that game!"

Another shot was fired and he had to duck down to avoid it.

"I was just trying to talk to them."


"Okay. Maybe, and that's a big maybe, I made fun of them. But it's fine. I got this." He said. "Just keep driving. Don't worry about me. 'Kay?"

I glance in his direction showed me that he was prepared. He had a wide grin spread across the part of his face that I could see and he had a- wait! Is that what I think it is?

"Kokichi! Wait, you can't-!"

"I told you, I got this!" He smiled. "Trust me!"

"But that's-!"

"I know! Don't worry! It's your turn to believe me, now!"
Word count:1048

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