The First Encounter

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Saihara's p.o.v.
I awoke suddenly with a start gasping for air. I looked around to see that I was back in my bedroom. Everything was normal again. But the dream. I'd been so vivid and colorful and full of emotion. It had been so . . . real.

"My name is Shuichi Saihara, sir. I'm the detective in training," I explained to the man at the counter. "I'm working on the Phantom Thief case wi-"

"Oh, yes, here you are," he smiled politely at me as he allowed me to continue through the station. "Sorry, I'm new."

"Oh, it's not a problem. Have a nice day." I'd been called in because he'd been spotted in town somewhere, the Phantom Thief that is. Outside a café along with three or four others I'd heard.

At the time being we have a few suspects. The others were leaning towards it being a young boy around my age that went by the name Kokichi Ouma. He fit what we knew about him, but something in me didn't want to believe that someone as innocent-looking as him could be responsible for such crimes.

Maybe it was the sweet smile he gave in the photo, or his child-like appearance, or his eyes that looked as if they could have been those of a small puppy- a beautiful amethyst color that were brought out by his violet hair and made hi-

"Saihara!" Kirigiri, the leader of the case had practically screamed my name to grasp my attention.

Why was that? Usually I was focused and on task. On a few occasions I had to be separated from the group so they could analyze the information without me talking over their theories on the situation.

"Huh. Oh, uh, . . . sorry. Got a little distracted," I sighed.

"It's fine. Do you want me to repeat that?"

"I'm, yes please. If you don't mind." This was embarrassing.

"Very well. I said I'd like you to assist us in the case."

"Oh, but aren't I alre-"

"First-hand. Not looking over the data and clues. I want to have you with us the next time he strikes. On the field."

"I . . . I-I don't know what to s-"

"You don't have to say anything. You're a valuable member of our team and this case. I'm glad to see that you are enthusiastic about the offer, though."

"Th-Thank you."

I was so overwhelmed with joy that I completely forgot everything else I did that day up until my assisting in the chase.

The Phantom Thief was much faster than I had expected and eventually escaped without so much as a small scrape. He was able to successfully dodge everything we tried.

Once everyone had gone back to the station I returned to the scene where we'd seen him last. I walked for hours it seemed until I heard a voice behind me that dragged me out of my thoughts.

"You've been pacing for a while Me. Detective. It's starting to get boorrring, nishishi."

"Wait, who-"

"Oh, don't act so surprised Me. Detective. Is it me you're looking for?" The voice quizzed.

I spun around quickly and to my surprise they were right. I was looking for him: The Phantom Thief. He was quite short in person and was concealed by a clown mask that covered his whole face. Even so I could here his voice perfectly as if nothing were there at all. A long black and battered cape trailed behind him as he jumped from the tree he'd previously been perched upon.

"I-I, um, whe- wh- ho-how long have you been there?" I was caught in a state of confusion. Had he been there the whole time? Would he lie about it? He could.

"Long enough," he replied vaugely. "So, since we're here let's talk. I have nothing better to do so ask me anything. Nishishi." He acted similarly to that of a small chil- wait! Anything? Would he really?

"Um, who are you? You're name I mean."

"Oopsie. Sorry, Mr. Detective, it's not that easy. That'd be no fun." He snickered and asked again. "Anything else?"

"Well," that was disappointing. "Could you not call me that?" I asked him nervously.

"What? Mr. Detective?"

"Yeah, . . . that."

"Then how about . . . hottie?" He proposed proudly placing a finger over his mask where his mouth would be.

I tore my eyes away from him blushing. Never before had I been so grateful that it was dark outside. "Well, actually my name's Shuichi Saihara. You could just call me Saihara."

"Alrighty Shuichi."

"Uh, Sh-Shuichi?"

"Yeah, that's your name. Besides I think it sounds cute." At that my blush deepened.

"So, do you have a name you'd rather be called?"

"Nah, Phantom Thief sounds mysterious. I like it. Well, unless you want to give me one."

"I- no thanks. I'll pass." I looked back at him to see that he'd stepped a bit closer while my gaze was averted.

"Well, look at the time." He said playfully, pretending to examine a watch that wasn't on his wrist. "I'd better get going. See you later, Shuichi. Or is that a lie? Who knows?"

"Wai-" I tried to gather more information but he'd practically vanished.

Why did I feel like something inside of me was now missing? Could I really be falling for a criminal? No, that's . . . Is it crazy that that might be it?
Word count:900

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