(I Hope) You'll Be Alright

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Saihara's p.o.v.
"I never stood a chance, did I?"

"That's the sad part; you did, once." These words stung as I heard them. Probably because I knew they were true. At one point, I did have a chance. And I just had to screw it up, didn't I? Of course I did. That's what I do. I can't help it anymore, I guess. It's kinda pathetic, huh?

As I stood over his body I could feel myself growing more dizzy. It was going to happen again. I was going to pass out, I'd wake up, he'd be gone, and it'd start all over again. How could I've failed, . . . Again?

"But how? I . . . made sure he . . . he was safe. I did what I was supposed to."

"That's just how the game works." My subconscious was driving me crazy at this point. How could he be so calm? Ouma was dead.

"The . . . game?" I whispered. "Is that what this is to you? A GAME!?"

"Well, of course it is. Saihara, he's just another human. They come and g-"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed at his reaction, covering my ears and bending down to stare wide-eyed at the guest room carpet that now had small splotches of pink dusted across it.

"Listen. I kno-"

"No! You listen. You don't know! You never knew and you never will! So just get out of my head and stay away from me! Do you hear me? Stay the f-" I wanted desperately to finish and continue shouting.  So loud that my throat would feel raw. I wanted to punch something. To break something. To be alone. But at that point I'd fallen to the floor and could only gaze at the ceiling and him, Shuichi, me, as the room morphed into a dark void that engulfed me without mercy.

Heh. Life sucks. This all sucks.

Ouma's p.o.v.
After tea, he led me to a guest room upstairs where he said I could stay. He then headed off making sure I knew where his room was in case I needed anything.

The room was cozy and I settled in quickly. A neatly made bed occupied one corner with some shelves along the wall and a door that led to a small bathroom at the other end of the area and curtained windows overlooked a simple, but well kept backyard.

He was so sweet and I felt an odd feeling of safety when I was near him. I felt protected. He was easy to talk to, too. I'd just trusted him with one of my greatest secrets, and he accepted me. Even though he's on my case, he let me stay. He didn't turn me in. But why?

I took one last quick look around the room before throwing myself upon the bed. I'd decided I'd leave early in the morning. Before he got up. Just in case.

I'd make a run for it and leave this memory behind. This fantasy. It would be nice, though . . . if one day . . . I wouldn't have to.

. . .

I quiet shuffle awoke me at what I could guess was around two or three 'o clock in the morning. I sat up to observe the room, but it seemed to be empty of anything that shouldn't be there.

"Whatever." As I rolled over to lay back down, though, I felt someone grab me from behind and gag me with my scarf.

My screaming was muffled and I could tell that whoever it was was much larger and stronger than I was. I could also tell that I had no chance of escaping their grasp and saving myself. I tried hitting something to wake Shuichi, but quickly gave up realizing that I wasn't worth him getting hurt.

I was still fighting back when the large figure threw me to the floor and pulled out something long and sharp from their coat that glistened in the faint light of the moon. It was barely visible before I knew what it was.

A knife.

I was pinned to the floor completely helpless as they raised the blade and plunged it into my body. I felt a warm pool begin to flood out of my stomach as they removed the knife and aimed for a second strike.

I could see their mouth form the words "I've got you now Phantom Thief. You can't run anymore." But of course I couldn't hear their voice.

I grew weaker with every hit and my vision was blurred with blooming roses of magenta around the edges. Was this the end? Was it? We're they going to go after Shuichi after I was finished?

At this point, one of my arms was free and I used it to reach for something, anything I could use as a weapon, but everything around me was out of range and only appeared to be moving farther and farther away with every passing second.

I'd already given up on calling for help and tried to keep from screaming in pain as much as I could. For him. Shuichi, please be okay. Please.

Then it was dark.

Word count:849

Just a quick note: the next chapter will contain sensitive topics (bullying). If you're not okay with that I'd recommend not reading it. I'll leave another reminder in the beginning of it. Thank you so much for reading this far if you have. My writing kinda sucks, so that means a lot.

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