Just Dreaming Again

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Saihara's p.o.v.
I awoke to find myself back in my room. The curtains were slightly parted allowing some light in. The autumn sky outside was visible revealing colorful leaves floating to the ground like they were swimming in the air. It was a peaceful scene, but I couldn't help but feel sad.

Great. Just great. It

I'd decided to rest for a short while longer and maybe doze off again. Dreams were always better than reality anyways, right?

When I turned to lay on my side, however, I found that I wasn't alone. A smaller figure was snuggled comfortably in the blankets beside me. I could see the steady rise and fall of his body with every breath he took and that he was wearing one of my shirts. It was pretty big on him, but he seemed to be happy as he continued breathing.

I looked down at my wrist and saw that it was no longer there. It worked!

I'd done it.

My first thought was to go and start breakfast for the two of us, but as I went to stand up again I was stopped. He tugged at the gem of my pajamas and observed me sleepily.

"Wait," he whispered, "please."

"I'm gonna go make bre-"

"No, stay with me."

After a bit I obeyed and climbed back into bed. I couldn't help but grin as he discarded the blankets and pulled himself to my chest.

And shortly after he began to hum softly.

Ouma's p.o.v.
I could feel Shuichi's heartbeat and began humming the intro to a song quietly as I laid there with him.

(I changed some of the lyrics, but this is the song.)

"Flowers bloomed when he walked
Angels sang when he talked
I laid my head down on my pillow and I dreamed

'Cause I'm just a silly boy in a stupid dumb old world
I'm just a silly boy in a stupid dumb old world
And he is perfect
'Cause he's supposed to be

Smile at him in your math class
Strive for him to do the same
Open your eyes and realize he does not know your name
And he does not care to

'Cause I'm just a silly boy in a stupid dumb old world
I'm just a silly boy in a stupid dumb old world
And he is perfect
Unlike me

And how could I ever think that it was meant to be
And how could I ever think that anything was made for me

'Cause I'm just a silly boy in a stupid dumb old world
I'm just a silly boy in a stupid dumb old world
And he was perfect
He was supposed to be

I made him perfect
'Cause I wanted him to be"

I finished quietly and could tell Shuichi'd never heard the song before. He smiled anyways, though and planted a kiss on my forehead.

I touched our noses briefly before kissing him and then cuddling back up to his chest.

"Thanks, by the way. For all you've done for me. And for taking me in."

"Of course."

"Thank you," I repeated quietly, hugging him. "And I'm keeping this shirt."

"Only if I get to keep you."

"Mm-hmm," I agreed, "Always."

"I love you, Kokichi."

"I love you more."
Word count:547

Sorry, this chapter's shorter than the rest, but I hope you guys enjoyed it anyways, it's the last one. Like I said before, first fanfic, really crappy, but I'm really happy it's doing as good as it is.

I'm gonna leave requests open because I literally have no idea what to write next. I'll write pretty much anything, so it's whatever you guys want to read I guess.

I'll be sure to mention whoever's ideas I work with and thanks again for all the support.

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