Herbal Tea With The Enemy

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Saihara's p.o.v
I was in the middle of a late night walk when I saw him. It was the Phantom Thief. He sat in the middle of a dimly lit jewelry store with his back propped up against one of the display cases. One hand held a large bag of items who's contents were unknown to me, but we're no doubt stolen from the store and he stared off, looking at something I couldn't see. His appearance was slightly new. His mask only hid the top portion of his face leaving his nose and mouth visible.

Slowly, I made my way over to him. I was going to be prepared this time.



He'd be safe. I didn't even care why I wanted that so badly anymore. As I got closer I could see that his lips were moving. He appeared to be muttering something to himself, but it was different than that.

Once I reached the entrance to the shop I slipped inside and he looked up suddenly before moving to greet me.

"Heyya, Shumai. Whatcha doin out so late?" His voice had a hint of nervousness that was only barely noticeable, but I still caught it.

"I could ask you the same thing, but I guess there's really no need," I explained gesturing to the door and the the bag beside him.

"Nishishi. Yeah, I guess not," he put his hands behind his head and snickered.

"I was just . . . on a walk. Headed home actually."

"Oh, I s-"

"Come with me?!" The way I put it was more like a question tha- Wait! "I- I . . . I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I'd love to go with you."



"Oh. Uh, . . . Alright, then. Just . . . just one thing."

"Anything for you, Shumai." That was all it took for a soft blush to blossom across my face.

"Stop stealing?"

"Hmm . . . I'll think about it. No promises, though. 'Kay?"

"It's better than 'no' I guess." I extended my hand to help him up. "Let's go."

He smiled brightly and took it.

Ouma's p.o.v.
About five minutes later we arrived at a well kept house lined with a picket fence separating it from the surrounding houses. The dim light provided by a nearby street lamp allowed me to see a few steps leading up to it as Shuichi guided me inside. He unlocked the door to lead me to a small front room with nice furniture and a coffee table.

Although the setup was different, there was no doubt in my mind. This was the same room from my dream. How is this possible? Had I been here before and just forgotten about it? No, I wouldn't forget something like th-

"So," he seemed nervous, like he was scared of disappointing me. "It's not much, but it's homey."

"It looks great," I responded excitedly. I guess with what I'm used to, anything does.

"Thanks. Um . . . Make yourself at home. Do you need anything? I'm about to make some tea."

"Would love some."

"Mm-hmm," he quickly nodded and passed through a doorway connected to the far part of the room.

A short while later there was a high-pitched whistle that rang through the house, but was immediately hushed as I heard Shuichi move the kettle from the burner. I took that as my cue to follow it. He was pouring the hot water into two matching teacups as I entered. He hadn't seen me and jumped when I spoke, almost spilling the water.

"What kind?"

"Oh, uh, it's Tropical Green, but if you'd rather something else I have plenty of othe-"

"It's alright. I'm not all that picky about it so there's no need to make you do more work." I explained crossing to the other side of the kitchen to the counter next to the stove. I turned and lifted myself up onto it and sat so that i was in front of him as he stirred in his honey.

"Want some?"

"Why not?" I replied as he passed it over.

After the tea had steeped I raised the cup to my face, but found it difficult to drink with my mask on. Without a second thought I removed it and continued to sip the beverage. It was amazing and seemed to fill me with warmth and happiness.

That was until I looked over at the owner of the house and remembered: I'm not alone. Normally, I'd replace the mask and make a run for it, but I didn't. I felt like I could trust him. He just stared at me with wide eyes in awe. He hadn't moved and I began to get nervous feeling a brush of pink scatter across my warm face. No one had ever looked at me like that.

I didn't know anyone could.

Saihara's p.o.v
He was beautiful.

That was all I could think of. The only thought I my mind. Nothing else appeared to matter. I still couldn't believe my eyes when he noticed my staring and spoke.

"Uh, my . . . My name is Kokichi Ouma."

"Ko . . . kichi." The way his name seemed to roll off my tongue, it was like silk.

"Mm-hmm. So, . . . I was wondering if I could . . . um. Is it okay if I stay a while longer?"

"I . . . Of course."

At that he smiled and blushed, looking away to sip his tea



Word count:906

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