Coffee (+ tears)

203 13 0

Saihara's p.o.v.
I sprinted down the streets looking everywhere for any sign of him. I needed to talk to him. To see him. To save him. But where was he? Time was running out again.



Thirteen hours and fourty-seven minutes. He doesn't deserve this. I promise t- huh?

There he was. At a table by the window in the café across the street. He appeared to be alone and was blending in quite well with everyone else. Nothing about him could have struck anyone as odd or told them who he was or what he did. Just a normal teenage boy in a sweater at a coffee shop.

I made my way to the other side of the street and entered the shop. The scents of autumn and coffee and tea filled the air and welcomed me inside. A waitress greeted me at the door with a kind smile and bright eyes.

"Good morning, sir. Have a seat anywhere. I'll be with you in just a moment."

"Oh. Thank you, but I'm actually here to say 'hi' to someone."

"Alrighty then. Enjoy your stay and if you need anything just let me know." She grinned then walked away to help another customer.I did the same before making my way towards Ouma.

I sat down across from him in the booth he'd chosen. He looked away from the view to me and smiled as I did so and took a quick sip of coffee before speaking.

"So, what's up, Stranger. Do I know you from somewhere? Or did my charm catch your eye? Nishishi."

"Huh?" That's right. He only knows i know the Phantom Thief. He doesn't know i know it's him. That or he's playing dumb. It doesn't matter either way, I gues-

"Hey? Sir? You still there," he chuckled. "Awww. Are you bored of me already?"

"What! No! That's not it at all! I'm sorry." How should I go about putting this? "Actually, I was just wondering if . . . uh . . . if you'd want to go somewhere after you're done."

"Like," he seemed quite taken aback by the sudden proposal. "You mean like a date?"

"I uh . . . Well not exactly. I had something i needed to tell you though and it'd be best if it were somewhere more . . . private." I felt my face heat up as I said the last word. Oh God, Saihara don't make it weird. "So, would you like to?"

"Wow, that's the fastest anyone's ever made a move on me before."

"That's not what I mea-"

"I know. Nishishi. Geez, I was just kidding. Or was I lying?" He paused quickly to ponder the thought before continuing. "Probably both, but whatever. Sure. Why not? You seem interesting enough."


"Yeah. And, by the way," he said leaning over the table to whisper in my ear. "You're kinda cute when you blush and get all flustered like that."

"I- wait wha-"

"So, let's go." He quickly finished his drink and left a tip for the waitress before leading me out of the café. "Where to?"

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