The Greatest Team This World's Ever Seen

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Ouma's p.o.v.
While Shuichi was at the bank I made a quick stop back . . . home. I'd had it set up and ready on the roof of the vehicle and already had it loaded. I was ready.

"Alrighty then!" I shouted over the screaming whistle of the passing wind. "Let's play!"

Then I lifted the gun and fired.

Note to self: When hanging out of a moving vehicle, machine guns are not a go-to weapon.

By the time the first round of ammunition was spent I had taken out the tires of two cars putting them both on the side of the highway. About six or seven more were on our tail's now though.

Shuichi's driving was much better than mine, so my predicament was a little easier. It was still a difficult task to hold myself up on the outside of a car speeding down the highway with a large weapon, but whatever, I've got this.

Filled to the brim with adrenaline, I emptied several more rounds before the gun jammed and I got frustrated with it and threw it in the backseat with our prize.

"I hope we draw the attention of the FBI!" I shouted to Shuichi as I reached into my coat revealing two pistols.

"Are you insane?!"

"Oh, don't act so surprised! You know you love me for it!" I kissed the barrel of one of the guns before laughing and shooting at the windshield of the closest car. As the two collided a crack spiderwebbed across the latter like a blossoming white flower.

"Wait, but-"

"Nishishi! That was just a lie!" I aimed for a second shot and fired. "Or was it!?"


"I was just kidding, Shumai!" Bang! The glass shattered. " Truth is, I've never seen anyone kick a door in before! It looks so exciting!"

"Well, yeah, I guess so!"

"That might be another lie, though! The door part, I mean! It is pretty exciting! I know 'cause this one time I- Switch lanes!"

Without hesitation he did so and we narrowly missed a shot from our pursuers.

"You're cute when you're scared, Shumai!"



"Was that another lie?!"

"Maybe!" Was all I could say before I had to yell back. "Traffic!"

I leaned in towards the vehicle, but a bullet grazed my arm and I lost my grip. It stung like nothing I'd ever felt before and everything around me seemed to slow down.

I spotted the oncoming car and fell back letting my legs slip in such a way that my inner knees graped the window frame and pressed my body tightly against the stolen car.

I had never been so grateful to be short. A few more inches and it would've been quite the scene. I took this opportunity to aim another bullet at the tires of the cop cars.

Unluckily, however, my mask had fallen off in the commotion and was now far behind us. I had to keep my real identity concealed.

I pulled myself up and Shuichi offered his hand to help which I gladly took. I had to do something about my face.

"Move over!" I shouted.

Saihara's p.o.v.
"Kokichi, it's not safe and to be honest you're really not the best driver."

"Just move."

"Ouma, I can't. You'll get hurt." All it took was a quick look at my wrist to know for sure that that was a bad idea.



That was any second now.

"DO IT!"

"I said no!" I shouted. "You don't get it! I'm trying to protec-" Just then the breathe was knocked out of me as he angrily kicked me in the ribs to the other side of the seat and slid behind the wheel.

During our fight neither of us were very focused. So we were both pretty surprised when we saw the semi-truck speeding towards us.

"KOKICHI!" I reached for the wheel, but he'd already steered us off the highway. The gravel was rough and steep leading us into a ditch that seemed to show up out of nowhere.

Upon impact the airbags filled and we both slammed forward. After a few seconds of coughing I looked over at my partner. He had a few cuts on his face, the most noticable being a slightly deeper one across his pale cheek. The bullet wound on his arm was creating a lake of blood on the skin and fabric around it tinting the white cloth of his outfit. His eyes were closed and his breathing was shallow.

"Shu-Shuichi?" He sounded awful, like every breath was stabbing at his lungs.

"It's alright." I said, taking his hand in mine. "I'm here." He was getting colder.

"Shuichi? Are you alright?"

"I should be asking you that." I pointed out weakly. He grinned.

"Hey, Shuichi?"


"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For-" cough "not listening to you." Tears began to flood his full eyes as he continued. "I'm so, so sorry."

"Kokichi, it's not your fault."

"But it is. It's all my fault and I'm sorry." His voice was getting softer as his temperature continued to drop. "P- please? Can you f- forgive m- m- me?" He sniffled and tears began to leave marks on his dirt covered face.

"Of course." At that moment I couldn't help but start to cry with him. I leaned forward, brushing the hair from his face. He responded with a closed eye smile.

"Thank you."

He squeezed my hand softly, smiling sadly, and went limp. No. No! Not again. Why does this keep happening? Why?

Then I shut my eyes. And I sobbed. Because what else could I do?


Absolutely nothing.
Word count:946

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