Long Time . . . No See?

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Ouma's p.o.v.
The plan was to do a flip off the roof for show and land on a balcony about a story or two below before making a run for it. I guess he had other plans, though.

I was now dangling off the edge of the building being held firmly by my arm. I looked up to see that there was a sense of fear in his eyes. Why? He'd been on my case with those other guys for months. He had to know I did reckless stuff like this all the time. Right? Then why was he- wait! Was he really . . . Crying?

"Are you alright?"

"I . . ." What am I supposed to say? No one's ever done something like this before. Not for me anyways. I'm a thief. A criminal. Why would they?

I was pulled from my thoughts when I realized that he was struggling to pull me back up as he was still exhausted from the chase. I allowed myself back on the roof in a daze of confusion. Should I thank him or run?

"Uh, I . . ." For once, I was completely at loss for words. Speechless.

"Oh my God! You're okay!" He cried as he pulled me into a tight embrace. What's going on? Is he okay?

He let me free from the sudden act and I stood back a bit to look at him properly. His tears left tracks in his slightly dirty face and his eyes were red. He smiled brightly as tears continued to escape his eyes. His clothes had some dirt on them, too, but for the most part were clean and well kept.

He had thought I was in danger and he'd . . . saved me. Why?

Saihara's p.o.v.
The breeze cooled down a bit as the sun disappeared completely.



The mark that branded me with a constant reminder of death was still imbedded in my skin. Time was running out. I could do this.

I wouldn't let him suffer . . . like I was suffering.

"Ko-Kokichi." I said between staggered breaths.

"Wait. You . . . know me?"

"I- It's complicated."

"How so?" He seemed interested, but still cautious.

I took a step forward and reached for his mask. He jumped a little at the sudden movement, but didn't try to fight me off. He trusted me. At least I hoped so.

I removed it and a few strands of his violet hair fell in front of his shining eyes that reflected the constellations begining to form in the sky above us.

"I've known for a while now," I began. "Well, technically since in about two and a half hours."

"But that's- it's-"

"Complicated. Yeah, I know."

"So, why did you catch me? What are you really doing here? None of what you're saying makes any sense."

I brushed the hair from his eyes and stroked his cheek softly. He looked up with wide eyes, but didn't stop me.

"To save you."

"But, why?"

"Well, . . ." I know what I have to do. "Because . . ." I won't let you die. I promise. "Because . . ." Just say it already, you know it's true. "Because I love you."

I knew he'd be confused so I pulled him into another embrace. Once again he didn't put up a fight, but this time he returned the hug and wrapped his arms around me.

"How? How can yo- I barely know you." He whispered.

"I know. It's a lot to take in. And please forgive me."

"It's alrigh-"

"Not for that."


"For this." Then I did something I never thought I would. I pulled away slightly, looking at him. And I kissed him. I was sure to be gentle, but it was sudden enough that he had to pull away.

"What are you doin-" He seemed angry, but more so flustered. Then his eyes glazed over for a moment before returning to normal. His tone was different when he spoke.

"Shuichi? Is . . .? Shumai!" And with that he grew himself at me, pressing his lips firmly against mine and snaked his arms around my neck breathing in my scent.

I leaned down slightly so his feet were on the ground and couldn't help but pull him closer. His mouth was soft and warm. I didn't ever want to leave this moment. I wanted to stay here. With him.

I wanted it to last forever.

Ouma's p.o.v.
A train of thoughts let themselves into my mind. One after another they flashed by; a police station, chasing someone, my bloody body at the bottom of a tall building, running, two of the detectives, a strange tattoo, an outside view of me in a jewelry store, us drinking tea, smiling, being stabbed, bleeding out, a coffee shop, someone crying, a car chase, then a crash, bright lights, more tears, yelling, more running, and finally ending with the kiss.

"Shuichi? Is . . .?" All of the memories had something to do with me. The dreams. Shuichi. My death. They we're all real.

He really was protecting me.

I just hadn't been able to see it.

"Shumai!" I yelled happily and he allowed me to jump up and kiss him again. I pulled him closer and he did the same. We stood there for a while before separating and I looked up onto his amber eyes. I didn't want to ever look away from them.



"I . . . I love you, too." My words came out barely above a whisper, but he heard me anyways and smiled down at me. I'd never felt so safe and warm inside. He bent down to kiss my forehead them offered his hand. I took it and immeadiatly felt like a void inside of me had been filled. Like I was finally complete.

"Let's go home." He proposed.

"Home?" I questioned.


Word count:966

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