Care For Another Dance?

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Ouma's p.o.v.
I felt like my very being was being ripped from my body over and over and over again. It really hurt. Why did I let this happen? Why did I grow so close? Why won't these feelings just . . . go away?


"Oh, quit you're crying. I told you you wouldn't get it on the first try."

"Shut up. Just leave me alone," I whispered in response.

"You knew it wasn't going to be that easy. Hate to say it, but I told you so. It's not my fault yo-"


"Whatever. Just don't blame me when it happens again." Then he left. And I was by myself again. He was probably happy to leave, but I'd never felt so empty.

"I'm sorry, Kokichi."

. . .

I arrived at the café a few minutes later to look for him, but he wasn't there. I hadn't seen him at all and apparently he wasn't very well known by his true identity.

I dreaded the thought, but I had to go to the station. He was going to make a move. I could feel it. So, instead I'd track the Phantom Thief.

I'd done it so many times before, but now . . . with what I knew, I couldn't help but feel like I was betraying him.

Ouma's p.o.v.
It had happened again. Another wierd dreamy-nightmare where I was a somewhat younger version of the detective and then I'd wake up after feeling like I'd just had all the air in my body escape me. It was like an endless loop.

Nothing a little crime couldn't solve though, right?

All the dreams seemed to start that way and I was starting to think this was just another one. Was this all just  one big nightmarish dream? Was I still asleep? Would I ever wake up? If it is a dream . . . do I want to be woken up?

Do I?

. . .

The night air was cool as it whistled subtly through my hair. The only sounds around me being the sound of many footsteps beating at the pavement below me and my heavy breathing. Well, that and the constant yelling between myself and the ones chasing me.

Aside from all that, the evening was peaceful. The sky of barely visible stars glistened upon our path revealing street signs and dim alleyways. One building in particular grasped my attention, though. Nothing else stood out about it besides the fact that it was rather tall, but I made my way towards it all the same.

Usually, I'd take a little more time to get there, but to ight I (surprisingly) hadn't taken anything. This made it easier to run and minuver my way through the streets.

A fire escape that crawled up the side of the structure allowed me to climb up and reach the top easily. I couldn't say the same for my pursuers, however.

Once at the top, I took a moment to admire the view. The city was beautiful from such heights. I felt like I could gaze upon it forever and be content. That was . . . until a certain someone decided to interrupt me.

Time to jump.

Saihara's p.o.v.
As I got to the roof of the building I saw him. The Phantom Thief. Kokichi Ouma. He was just looking around into the depths of the night. I had to admit, it wasn't a bad sight.

I had a job to get to, though.

"Wait!" I called as he prepared to continue running. "I just want to talk to you. Please."

Much to my surprise, he actually stopped to listen to me. He turned towards me and snickered, his checkered scarf fluttering in the light breeze.

I bent down to catch my breath and was able to make it not so obvious as I checked my wrist.



I'd also noticed that he was now standing above me with his hand outstretched to help me up.

"So," he began, "what is it. It better be interesting or I'm gonna bolt. Just kidding. Nishishi."

"Yeah?" He helped me up and I could practically feel his smile from behind his mask.



"That was a lie. Sorry, I gotta go." Then he made his way quickly towards the edge of the roof.

No! I'm not going to let him go again. I've said it before, but now, I meant it more than ever.

He stood on the edge and stretched out his arms to either side of his body and he looked at me as he said: "See ya soon, Mr. Detective." as he let himself fall back. I raced towards him to grab his arm tightly. It wasn't going to end like this. Not again.

I couldn't let it.
Word count:802

Also, I'm not sure if this is good or bad news, but I'm almost done typing this. It'll probably end up being maybe two or so more chapters. So any requests would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all of you for reading my crappy fanfic btw.

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