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My name is Avyanna Emerson. You can call me Anna. My name means strong, powerful, and beautiful. Anyway I'm 25 years old and I live on the upper east side of New York. My mom owns the biggest entertainment industry. I'm forced to marry someone that I don't even love. You'll find out the reasons why soon.

________________________________My name is Liam Harrison

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My name is Liam Harrison. I'm 26, I'm the most rich and powerful man in all of New York, and I'm known as one of New York's top bachelors. I own several different buildings that my father hand down to me. I have to marry some girl for business reasons. Who can resist a man like me?

________________________________My name is Dominic Newton

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My name is Dominic Newton. I'm 26, I own and operate a lot of business in New York, some in Los Angles, a few in other countries as well. My mom and dad started the business from the bottom on up. They also taught me the values of life which has me to be a very caring to people. I never let my name or how much money I have get in my head.

 I never let my name or how much money I have get in my head

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