Ch. 2

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Avyanna POV
We arrive to the opening and it's massive.

Avyanna POVWe arrive to the opening and it's massive

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Everyone is here. Liam and I walk the red carpet. I do as he says. I smile and look pretty for the cameras and don't say a word to the reporters. We get inside and it's amazing. Liam goes to his "friends". So I'm by myself. I go to the bar and thankfully Alyssa is there. I walk over to where she is.

Alyssa: Hey girl. You look amazing.
Avyanna: Thanks A. You look amazing too.
Alyssa: How did the red carpet go?
Avyanna: All I did was smile and look pretty.
Alyssa: Ugh! I hate that Liam won't let you have say in anything.
Avyanna: I know. I have to do what he says regardless.
Alyssa: Mark my words, there is gonna be another amazing guy that will sweep you off your feet.
Avyanna: Hahahaha. In my dreams.

We both laughed and talked some more. It was good that Alyssa was here. All of these other women in New York, who have the same life style as me, are just so arrogant. They flash their jewelry, cars, houses to the world and try to out do each other.

Dominic POV
I'm looking at the main area of the club from upstairs and practically every rich person in New York is here at the opening of my new club. This is the second club I have opened in New York City. My best friend and business partner, Noah, comes beside me.

Noah: Quite a crowd huh? Dominic: Yeah

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Noah: Quite a crowd huh?
Dominic: Yeah. We did really good with this one.
Noah: I agree. Have you decided what your next move is gonna be?
Dominic: Not yet. I still have the hotel in Manhattan that I operate—
Noah: Along with several other businesses in Europe and Asia.
Dominic: Haha. Noah I own half of those with my dad and I like it that way. He trusts me to fully own the ones here in America.
Noah: That's understandable. Let's go get a drink.

We go over to the bar on our level and get a drink.

Noah POV
As we are talking and drinking, I look down at the bar downstairs and see two beautiful young ladies.

Noah: Hey, Dom look at those two ladies at the bar downstairs.

Dominic POV
I look downstairs at the ladies. One of them, really caught my eye. She is so beautiful. By far the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

Dominic: The one with the blue eyes is really pretty.
Noah: Her friend is hot too.

Alyssa POV
As Avyanna and I are talking I look upstairs and two very handsome guys are looking at us.

Alyssa: Anna, look up there. There are two guys checking us out.

Avyanna POV
I look up at the two men. One of them caught my eye. He has sweet and kind eyes.

Alyssa: They are hot.
Avyanna: Uh A, a remember that I'm engaged.
Alyssa: Bull shit. You and I know Liam is an asshole and he didn't even look at you the way those guys are.
Avyanna: You know Liam would kill me.
Alyssa: But he has to go through me.

Dominic POV
I keep looking at this woman. Something is telling me that I should talk to her.

Dominic: Noah, I may be a bit interested in the girl with the beautiful eyes.

I turn around and Noah is gone. I look for him and he's downstairs.

Dominic: Haha. Asshole.

Avyanna POV
Alyssa and I are still talking about the guys looking at us.

Noah: Excuse me ladies.
Alyssa: Well hello.
Noah: My friend and I couldn't help but notice you two and I was wondering if you like to join us.
Alyssa: We love to.
Avyanna: What?!
Alyssa: Yes, you are coming.

Alyssa takes me by my hand and we follow the guy to the VIP area upstairs. And I'm face to face with the gorgeous man that I laid eyes on.

Noah: By the way I'm Noah.
Alyssa: Nice to meet you Noah.
Avyanna: Are you done flirting?
Alyssa: Don't judge me.

The gorgeous man comes in front of me to greet me. I know Liam is gonna kill me when he finds out.

Dominic: Hello. I'm Dominic Newton.

Chills went down my body. I extend my hand out to shake his.

Avyanna: Nice to meet you Dominic. I'm Avyanna Emerson. But you can call me Anna.
Dominic: Avyanna. That's a beautiful name.
Avyanna: Thank you. It means strong, powerful, and beautiful.
Dominic: I see why.

I swear I'm blushing like crazy. What am I doing?!

Alyssa: You can thank me later for this.

We all laughed and we all sat down.

Noah: So tell me a little bit about yourselves.
Alyssa: Well, we work together at a hotel here in New York.
Dominic: What part?
Avyanna: Manhattan.

Dominic POV
Interesting. I wonder if they work at one of my hotels. I'll have to find that out later for myself.

Noah: Nice.
Dominic: Are you ladies in a relationship?

Avyanna POV
My heart dropped when Dominic asked. I can't lie about this.

Alyssa: I'm not.
Noah: Well, I'm glad.

Oh Alyssa.

Avyanna: Well...I—
Liam: Avyanna!!!

Shit. This is not gonna be good.

Avyanna: Liam.
Liam: I have been looking for you everywhere.
Avyanna: I'm sorry. I saw Alyssa and just hung out with her when you left me to go with your friends.

Dominic POV
Something is up.

Dominic: You know each other.
Liam: I'm Liam Harrison. Avyanna's fiancé.
Noah: What?
Alyssa: It won't be that way for long.
Liam: Stay out of this!
Dominic: Don't talk to them that way.
Liam: Or what?
Avyanna: Guys stop.
Liam: Avyanna we are going home now.

Avyanna POV
I get up and Liam grabs my wrist and we go to the car. I knew I was in big trouble. The car ride back home was tense. I'm so scared what Liam is gonna do to me.
We get home and my heart is beating so fast.

Liam: What the hell were you thinking?!
Avyanna: That wasn't my idea to that!
Liam: Oh really?
Avyanna: Yes. Noah came to us and invited us to the VIP area.
Liam: I don't believe you.
Avyanna: I'm telling you the truth!! Why don't you believe me?!
Liam: Don't raise your voice at me!!!

Liam slaps me hard across my face and I fall to the floor. This isn't the first time he's done this.

Liam: Don't you ever!! EVER!! Humiliate me like that again. Do you understand me?

Tears are coming down my face after he slapped me.


When he raises his voice it scares me a lot.

Avyanna: Yes!

He leaves the apartment and slams the door. I'm crying my eyes out. He slapped extremely hard on my face that I have a scar now.
I change into my PJs and cry myself to sleep. Will I ever escape from this madness?

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