Ch. 13

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Avyanna POV
We get our bags and are on our way to Michael's house. We arrive at it's huge.

Noah: Your house is amazing

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Noah: Your house is amazing.
Michael: Thank you.

We get out of the car and walk inside. It's gorgeous.

Avyanna: Wow

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Avyanna: Wow. It's beautiful.
Michael: Thank you my dear. It took some time for this house to be built, but it was all worth it.

I getting an even more stronger vibe from Michael. This vibe reminds me so much of my dad.
His wife, Diana walks in.

Diana: Hello everyone. What's going on?
Avyanna: My mom and fiancé have found out that I'm here. I know what they can do to me if they find me.
Diana: Oh dear I'm so sorry.
Michael: So I invited Dominic, Noah, and Avyanna to stay here. 
Diana: Absolutely. I'm going to be honest, when you first told me that you are engaged to Liam I already knew how much of an arrogant man he was.
Michael: I tried to offer him a deal. It was great deal at that and he turned it down because I was not of his level of wealth.
Noah: What an asshole. Also, I forgot to mention that Avyanna's friend is coming in tomorrow. If that's okay.
Diana: Of course. She's your friend.
Avyanna: Thank you so much. It means a lot.
Michael: Of course. Safety is one the top priorities of my company and my family. Plus, this area is a gated community.
Diana: I'll show you guys to your rooms follow me.

We follow Diana to our rooms. Noah is placed in a room across from Dominic and I. Not a shocker that I'm with Dominic.

But I guess it is a good thing

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But I guess it is a good thing. Diana told me that the other two guest rooms are being renovated still.
Anyway, Dominic and I began to unpack our things. It's kinda quite.
Shit! Dominic knows because I opened by big mouth. He's probably going to hate me.

Dominic POV
I look over at Avyanna and she seems down.

Dominic: Are you okay?

She looks at me and her eyes are filling up with water.

Avyanna: No.

She sits down on the bench in front of the bed and began to cry. I sit next to her and hug her.

Dominic: Shhhhhhhh. It's okay.
Avyanna: I feel like a horrible person.
Dominic: No you're not. You are amazing.
Avyanna: You found out the real reason of the mess I'm in.
Dominic: That doesn't define you at all. I had no idea that all of that was happening. Do you remember when I said that you can come to me for anything?
Avyanna: Yes.
Dominic: I meant it. You can tell me everything. You cry and let all that anger out. I won't leave you.

Avyanna POV
Dominic kisses my forehead as I wipe tears off my face.

Avyanna: You was going to find out sooner or later. I guess I should tell you.
Dominic: Are you sure?

I nod my head yes. I take a deep breath and sit up straight to reveal everything.

Avyanna: I guess I can start about my father. My dad was everything. He was the most amazing father ever. My dad passed away when I was little and ever since then my mom and I was never on good terms. She would have do things that was for publicity.
Dominic: What did your dad do for a living?
Avyanna: He owned the most productive and popular media company. My dad left it to my mom, but he wanted me have it at first. Before he died he didn't have a chance to change his will. Fast forward, the company began to get low of money. My mom needed some type of way to get more money in. She saw that Liam was the most eligible bachelor and the richest guy in New York. She told me that she wants me to marry him. I refused. She forced it on me whether I wanted to or not.
Dominic: How long ago was this?
Avyanna: 6 months ago. Ever since she has made me go to these unnecessary and pointless events to broadcast about the engagement. Plus, Liam is abusive. Anytime I didn't do what he says he would hit me. I was so miserable living in the same roof as him. The only time he would show "affection" would be for publicity.

Dominic POV
I knew Avyanna was a bad situation, but I didn't know it was this bad.

Avyanna: That's why I just want out of the situation. I can't it to have my life controlled.
Dominic: I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.
Avyanna: I just wish my mom saw my side of the story and understand how I feel.
Dominic: Anna, she will. You just have to be brave to stand your ground.
Avyanna: Thanks for listening to me.
Dominic: You're welcome.

Michael POV
I couldn't help but hear Dominic and Avyanna talk. It was so sad to hear that she went through all of that.
I walk away from their room to my office. I pull out a box that I have full of memories from years ago. I pull out a picture that was taken of a little girl. I let out a sigh and all the memories come back to me.
It is a picture of Avyanna and I from when she was little.

Michael: My sweet Anna. If you only knew.

I have to tell her that I'm her dad who she thought died when she was little.

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