Chapter 2 Pay Me Back

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The bell finally rings for seventh period to be over. I grab my bag and head to my locker. I left some Spanish notes in there which I need to grab to study for the test in about 2 weeks. After that, I head to my part time job as a cashier at a grocery store. As I head to my locker my phone goes off. I grab my phone out of my back pocket, it's a call from my mom. I pick it up and lift the phone to my right ear. "Yes ma?" I ask as I answer the phone. "Honey we have an issue, I forgot to pay rent." my mom says in a worry tone. My mood changes into a frown. "Mom you know how shady our landlord is. He might kick us out or do something to us if we don't pay in time." I say in a calm tone. I didn't want to let my mom know I was upset. She doesn't reply for a bit and says "I lost my job today, I don't think I'll be able to pay rent in time. Do you think you could help?" my mom says in a sad tone. I could tell she was about to cry. I take a deep breath and reply. "Sure mom, I'll try to pay." "Thank you so much sweetheart, I am packing my stuff at work so I'll be home shortly." my mom says. The phone call ends, I go to my locker and grab my notes. I slowly start walking to the city bus stop near my school.

I sit in the bus seat looking out into the window. I wish my mom would of been more responsibly. For the last year I've been paying rent. Again and again, only letting myself have $10 a month. The bus rolls quickly to the other bus stop where I leave to go home. The bus makes a sharp stop and the doors open, I get up and make my way out. I go to my apartment in the shabby neighborhood. I'm not rich, I can't afford a big house like most people at my school. I walk in my apartment building and see my landlord right in front of my door. He looks at me and then realizes that I lived there. "Where is your mother." he says in an angry tone. "She's still at work." I reply as I take my earbuds out of my ears. "Where's my money!" he starts to shout. I get scared by his tone and quickly back away. But the landlord starts coming closer to me. "I'm sick and tired of you and your mom wasting my time! I need my money now!" he screams at me. He then pins me against the wall and gets closer to my face. "You know what I'll do to you and your mom." he whispers in my ear. His breath smelt like cigarettes and alcohol. "Get off of me you sicko!" I scream and shove him. He gives me an angry stare and charges at me. I rush out the door and onto the sidewalks, running as fast as I can. Behind me I see him chasing me, I run faster and faster. "Get back here you fucking bitch!" he yells chasing me down the sidewalk. I dodge trash bins and people walking down the sidewalk. I then get stuck between a crosswalk. The streets are full of cars and traffic, no way I'll make through. I look behind me and see the landlord still charging after me. I panic looking around to see what I can do, no one seemed to want to help me. I see a nearby alley on the left side of me, I rush over and run down the alley. I keep looking back having anxiety that the landlord would get me. As I ran I run right into someone. I fall straight to the ground as I see a tall dude stumbled over. A   vape pen drops out of his pocket and rolls into a nearby sewer. "No!" I hear the dude yell. I get up and rub my arms. They were all full of scratches ready to bleed. "Watch where the hell your going" the tall dude says turning around. I look up and see it's Mattia! He looks at me in anger that his pen fell in the sewer. He then realizes who I am and his expression changes. I get up and rub my arms in pain. "I know you, you sit next to me in Biology huh." he says pointing at me. "Yes, I do." I mumble under my breath. I finally realize I was being chased down till I hear a loud yell behind me. "You crazy bitch I found you!" My landlord yells from across the alley. I look behind me as I see him running towards me. "Run run run!" I yell to Mattia. We both book it and run down the dark alley together.

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